Lovely game, gorgeous art style and background and nice puzzle.

If you like Limbo and Inside you will like this game :)


Initially drawn to the game upon its release, I was captivated by its beauty, but it slipped from my radar. Seeking a shorter gaming experience, I recently revisited it, and I was far from disappointed.

This game's storytelling is a silent marvel, weaving a beautiful narrative without uttering a word. The meticulously crafted backgrounds are true works of art, while the characters move with flawless fluidity. The accompanying music is a symphony for the ears. The gameplay is enjoyable, with a challenging yet solvable puzzle at the end.

I adore this experience and eagerly await their future releases. This game is a masterpiece that leaves an indelible mark.

Sea of Stars is like a blast from the past, taking us back to the awesome 16-bit era of JRPGs. I mean this game is a total love letter to those classic gems, and it's just so darn beautiful! It took inspiration from game I truly love like Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Golden Sun and many more.

First off, the battles in this game are super cool. They make you think and strategize, which is a blast. And don't get me started on the music – it's like a magical soundtrack that keeps you pumped up. The way the game looks, with its pixel art, is like stepping into a colorful, living world. Every dungeon you explore feels different and exciting. Plus, there are these fun puzzles and side quests, like fishing and cooking and mini game that keep things interesting.

But here's the kicker – I only wish there were more combo skills to play around with. Still, every battle feels like solving a puzzle, and you've got to manage your magic points wisely. Now, on the flip side, the storytelling could use a little boost, even though the ending is pretty great.

So, all in all, "Sea of Stars" is like a dream come true for JRPG fans. It's got fantastic battles, amazing music, and a world that's bursting with life. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's a love letter to a time when gaming was pure magic. You've got to check it out!

The best come back I was hoping to see for the game, never in million years I would see the day the game will be remake, I was hoping to play it officially on the Snes catalogue on the Switch whenever it will come out. I was so happy to see this beloved game get a proper remake for old and new players.

And happy to see the game sold so well internationally and hoping that Nintendo will make new sequel and make it proper series like “Paper Mario 1 & 2” & “ Mario & Luigi series”.

The game is the best start for someone who never played JRPG before, it was meant to be an easy & fun game. This is how I started with this genre and made me look for more and discovered Final Fantasy series , Breath of Fire series back in the 90s and many more.

The game in my eye is perfect, maybe cuz of nostalgia reason and how many time I beat the original.

What they added on this masterpiece was really awesome, starting with the battle system and introducing team attack, buff (based on your chosen party member) based on your action and defended and the ability to change party members in battle similar to FFX.

The OST was orchestrated and remastered and gave it a new light even though the original was musically perfect at the time, and you have the ability to change between them any time form the option.

The new animation when introducing new characters and key moments in the game was a nice touch and given new life to the game.

The game was built to be easy but I wished they added hard difficulty for old players to have more challenge in the game, but I was pleasantly surprised that they added post game content which was so challenging that during my original walkthrough never died once but on the post game content died so many time I stopped counting 🥲

For people who love Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series or if you never played an RPG before and you like the Mario series give this game a try.

I hope they added a new update that added a new difficult 🙏 and see new sequel or new take on this series in the future 🥲.

10/10 for nostalgia reason
9/10 if am being fair

Positive are that we are spending more time with the party, hard and challenging boss fight, new update to the lore and on inner thoughts of the characters.

Negative, the new characters are not that interesting to be honest.

It feel like this DLC is meant to be a teaser of the the second DLC, since this one is more focused on fights and new attack mechanics. I won’t lie it was super hard for me comparing to the original game.

Fun time for the fan of ff16, can’t wait for the next one next year 😁

Nice metrovenia adventure game, I wasn’t aware that this was remake/ reimagine of an old game.

I like how the game have two different mode one where you explore using a mount (machine in case of this game) and one where you go inside a dungeon and explore by foot. And the upgrade and the weapons types are cool too.

Didn’t thought I will enjoy it this much 😁. And the game have acutely decent story and true ending with post game content.

Looking forward to continue playing the second and third installments 🤩.

Trying out this series was pretty cool! I remember dabbling in the first level way back in '97 but didn't stick with it.

Playing it now, I found it surprisingly fun despite the basic gameplay. Yeah, there were some issues with moving around and jumping, but hey, it's an old game—can't expect perfection, right? The remake fixed some stuff, but jumping and fighting enemies still felt a bit clunky at times.

The story and characters were nice and brought a smile to my face. Plus, there were some neat plot twists I didn't see coming, which was a pleasant surprise for a platformer.

Overall, it's a short and enjoyable game. If you're curious about the series, give it a try!

Very interesting take on the meteroveina genre, its purely a puzzle game, the game doesn’t tell you anything and you just move and explore, the only indication is the squirrel that tell you where to go in the game if you follow him.

What I like in the game is the sense of exploration and finding new items that unlocks new area in the game, and there are many unique items that I have never seen been used like this in any game before, to solve puzzles, platforming or moving obstacles.

The atmosphere and the art-style is phenomenal with pixel art, attention to small details which shows that the developers really took care to immerse the player and make them believe that this is an actual lively place.

If you want something really different, mind headache sometime and satisfying feeling when solving a puzzle, I would highly recommend Animal Well.