13 Reviews liked by Naxareon

Normally, thinking about a sequel to Resident Evil 4 is thinking it to be as simple as copying the system again and being done, how could a bad game come out of there? Even better, smooth the system to focus on combat: more melee options and dynamic inventory management limited on what's important without stopping the action.

Turns out that it was also important to know how to design and place enemies and scenarios, to be put against the ropes depended not only on the system but in always feeling surrounded and having to reposition constantly. Because of this, Resident Evil 5 starts by looking at some of the best ideas of 4, the moment inspired by the first raid at the village appears shortly in an open survival arena where enemies will keep appearing. Obviously, it's a highlight, nothing more is needed to feel constantly cornered.

The way is lost at every other moment. Whether it's trying to take advantage of splitting up and covering your backs in co-op, fighting in a cramped incinerator against a monster almost immune to gunfire, or navigating the dark of the mines, the game doesn't come even close to the tension of its predecessor. On top of that, the slapstick tone is much more blurred, seeming almost accidental, as in the possibility to melee combo some enemies together with your partner. Casual exceptions aside, the hits have lost impact and the cinematography style, there is an identity crisis due to a mishmash of trends of the period between military shooter, giant aliens from Gears of War and Matrix scenes that do not fit at all with what Resident Evil 4 was. It seems that it wasn't as simple as replicating a system and hoping that everything else could hold up.

It's no surprise then that the best part is the mercenaries mode. If Resident Evil 5 looks at the village raid to build its best moment right out of the gate, it can also look at the mercenaries mode derived from that sequence. Here disappears the clumsiness of trying to confusingly replicate without understanding and without genius. It goes the roughest way, to survive enemy waves in the system that could not fail, even with the Frankenstein erratic mashups still well in sight.

el score de este juego aquí está inflado... digo, no es un mal juego, pero para mi con suerte llega a decente y no es un juego que recomendaría en situaciones normales ya que objetivamente hablando es mejor que inviertas esas 25 horas que puede durar en algún otro mejor juego. un combate repetitivo, una historia que siendo simple e intrascendente, se sobrecomplica al punto de que no sabes qué está pasando o por que está pasando y quién está vivo y quién está muerto (si, aunque este juego tenga una estética chibi, tiene escenas 'fuertes'). igualmente agradezco al grupo que tradujo este juego.

pero sabes? 7th es el ejemplo claro de por qué la psp es una de mis consolas favoritas, al menos para un weeb como yo ya que en su momento era la consola por excelencia para los jrpgs. si bien estaba la ds, esta no tenía la potencia suficiente como para correr juegos en 3d de manera decente y tampoco vale decir la ps2 debido a que la ventaja de la psp era su portabilidad y jugar donde sea/

en mi caso yo lo jugué en mi Ayn Loki la cual es una handheld PC (mucho más pequeña que la steam deck y que uso como mi PC personal con linux) y me trajo arta nostalgia de esa poca y sumado a que había desbloqueado el OST de la Miku fue hermoso y me sentí transportado a los 2000s, , mi época favorita y por esa misma razón fue que aun con todo eso le termine cogiendo cariño y fue lo que hizo que llegara a terminarlo.

jugare a sus secuelas? lo dudo demasiado... tal vez en bastantes años, pero por lo que he visto, sus secuelas no mejoran o innovan y es más de lo mismso que el primero. Prefiero invertir ese tiempo en jugar a otros juegos, pero no lo descarto hacerlo en un futuro lejano.

Una mejora substancial del primer juego, pule muchas mecánicas y agrega cosas muy buenas. La música es excelente (Crash Man stage yeahhh!).

Still has the best music in gaming

No veo la hora de que salga el remake fan con cámaras fijas, respetando el estilo noventero. Garpa para eso, no para la cámara en primera persona.

Not a masterpiece nor a classic by any means, but pretty fun RE spin-off, especially with a GunCon (or a Wiimote used as such in my case).

Writing and voice acting are bad, but hilarious in a RE1 way. The overall story concept is unironically cool for a horror though, I would like to see it done right in a proper remake.

The controls are clunky by today's standards, but manageable if you're generally used to retro games. The biggest issue is the lack of saves and limited continues - the game is short, yet still takes up to 3 hours if you don't rush, read files and watch cutscenes.
However, it lets you save your weapons and files between attempts - either after successful playthroughs or Game Overs. And there is a reason to replay the game - at many points you can take alternate paths and find specific files and weapons on each, I think it's pretty cool.

Although Resident Evil Survivor has nothing to offer the average modern gamer, it might be interesting for PS1 enthusiasts or Resident Evil completionists.

La jugabilidad es excelente, la mecánica de cambiar entre protagonistas y sus habilidades son lo mejor, el mapa esta bien aunque un poco aburrido, pero, los personajes son insoportables, mal escritos o por lo menos olvidables, GTA no se caracteriza por historias profundas muy buenas, pero esta es la peor.

What a special little thing this is.

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Rather than talking about the full game here, I figured I might as well use these reviews to talk about the individual cases in each AA game.

The First Turnabout: It's a good first case. It does a good job introducing the main character and the basic mechanics. Not much else to say here.

Turnabout Sisters: I love how quickly the game raises the stakes here. Mia's dead and you have to prove her sister innocent of murder. Then, when things are finally looking up, suddenly Phoenix is accused of murder. Then Mia gets brought back to life and bails his ass out which I will probably talk more about at a later date. Great case. Also, I don't know why Edgeworth updating the autopsy report became such a meme when it only happens in this one case.

Turnabout Samurai: The best third case in the original trilogy. It does go on a bit too long for my liking and I do not like Sal Manella, but the other characters are great and the central mystery is actually really well-done. Also, it gave us Unnecessary Feelings so that automatically makes it good.

Turnabout Goodbyes: The best case in the game, and my third-favorite from the trilogy. It establishes the DL-6 incident as the basis for the rest of the series, adds a ton to Phoenix and Edgeworth, and has so many memorable moments: Larry showing up at the last second, cross-examining the parrot, pulling out the metal detector on Von Karma. A near-perfect send-off and set-up. Also what was Grossberg doing at the boathouse

Rise From the Ashes: It's the longest and most complicated case in the original trilogy. I haven't played Apollo Justice so I can't say how well it sets up those characters, but within the context of the case they're great. Ema is really fun, even if she is just "we have Maya at home" for the time being, Angel Starr and Jake Marshall are fun witnesses, and Damon Gant is a fantastic villain. There's some great stuff with Edgeworth and Gumshoe, too. The case can drag on quite a bit, and the mechanics can be really annoying at times (especially the Blue Badger stuff), but for the most part they're really good. It definitely elevates the game quite a bit imo.

Es como esos vids de MUGEN donde estan los personajes rotisimos y los efectos que te rompen los timpanos


When people talk about old-school video games being difficult, this is one of them. Level one is "last level of Contra" hard, with an extremely punishing length and lack of powerups. But... my GOD the aesthetics are on point for that early nineties BTAS look. I truly felt like I was in the animated Gotham... getting killed.

I was 5 and this was quite possibly one of the hardest games I ever fucking played in my life. The soundtrack by Jesper Kyd is hot as fuck tho. And supposedly this game was a bit ahead of its time on a technical aspect. Some really smart guys really helped designed this game, and I mean like, real smart programmers. They didn’t need to go this hard on a game based on the Batman cartoon.

Also first review here on Backloggd ayyyy.

si tuviste 12 años lo jugaste más de 3 veces y lo compraste como 50 porque los cds se rayaban todo el tiempo

haber ido a comprar este juego es fuera de joda una de las memorias más vividas que tengo de Corrientes