You get to kill space Elon in this one. Peak.

I (F 100) and my ex S (F late 20's) are being forced to work together against space wikileaks, should we get back together!?!?!?

Damn, this one aged really poorly.

Oh, so THAT'S why the game doesn't want you going alone too often, cause it's bad.

It's damage control, but hot damn if it isn't really good damage control.

Bishop... takes King F12 laughs in russian

Damn, I wish I had friends :(.

For only a few extra dollars, you too can get the most boring companion in any Bioware RPG.

Could've done with less brown hallways, but it's an original location, which by default makes it one of the best parts of Dragon Age II.

Remember Felica Day? She was pretty great.

Best Bioware RPG, fight me (in a stiff real time with pause setting).

An epic prequal that adds... uh... it doesn't... add anything, actually. Leliana's cool tho.

Maybe if we treated the Darkspawn like the silly little guys they are, all this war could be avoided.

Housing market so bad the only thing we can afford is the zombie castle.

DLC so good that they never followed up on any of it.