Note: I was a dev. God what to say about this mess. I'm still proud of the side quests, Legion content and Crusaders MQ, but the NCR MQ is just an utter trash fire. The world design is weird in large part because we as a team didn't communicate the best. The companions are generally pretty good. The whole thing is janky as frick. 80% of the lore is a patch job because nothing included was really planned before a few steps in front of us. More should have been cut, and different things (namely more vaults) should have been added. I'm still proud of it, but god it's a mess.

An odd and ultimately disappointing entry in the Fallout cannon. The many experiments it attempts mostly fail, and collapse in on each other one after another. Every mistake made in the game's development compounds into another mistake. The bad dialogue system which leads to removed skill checks which both lead to less player choice which compounds with the settlement system requiring the majority of the game's locations to be boring farms and/or raider hideouts. I can sill appreciate what the devs did, and the DLC shows there's some hope for the main series yet (thank god 76 is a spin off) but this is still rather weak over all.

I adore everything about this game save for the gameplay itself. Combat relies on precision timing and movement, yet the controls and animations aren't precise enough to match that challenge. Besides that though, you have amazing graphics, one of the best soundtracks ever made, fantastic writing and two of the best leads out there.

Joyless. Mean spirited. Nasty. Boring. Frustrating. Bland. All things that should never apply to a Duke Nukem game.

A fun little throwback to MSX style visual novels and adventure games. Great writing, a decent sense of humor and a slick style help the game stand out amongst its contemporaries. Shame one of the devs was a massive jerk.

From the maker of the Stanley Parable comes a introspective game about the creative process, depression and game development. Not as varied or as expansive as the Stanley Parable, but just as if not more evocative.

A game with a fun sense of style that sadly doesn't reach it's full potential story wise. The writing takes it's self way to seriously for a game like this, and the gameplay is a bit too simple to be considered a great in the strategy genre. Still a fun trip for toku fans though.

A fascinating, conversation focused immersive sim lite. It's the first part in a trilogy that is unlikely to ever happen, but strong writing and a small but content rich hub world carry this game. I hope the sequel comes out, but I'm not holding my breath.


What if Deus Ex but it was 2D... and also kind of bad. I really want to like this game, but everything from the skill system to the hacking minigame to even the world design is underbaked. I'm looking forward to what, if anything, this developer makes next however.

One of the greatest RPGs ever made. The writing alone is enough to earn that distinction, but the reactive game world, intricate systems and tactical combat push it just that much higher to make it a true classic. The third act is weaker then the rest of the game for sure, but not by much.

A sweet dating sim that takes a joke premise and turns it into something legitimately cute and heartwarming. Not the most complex dating sim, but it doesn't have to be.

A game that tries to be a cross between Obsidian style narrative driven action light RPG and Diablo style narrative light action driven RPG. The result is a mishmash of ideas, systems and story threads that fail to capture what makes either genre great. It's a fun time, but don't expect anything special. You'll get a kick out of the weird design decisions if you're like me though.

A narrative adventure game about growing up, growing old and running away. The human drama of Henry and Delilah is gripping, and while I like the story's twists in concept, in practice it's poorly presented and extremely abrupt. The game also doesn't really have as much reactivity as I'd like.

A short but sweet first person short story about spooky houses and living in the 80's. A tightly designed adventure full of little sideplots and secrets.

A twisted noir tale told in a unique non-linear perspective. The acting and direction of the story is great, and the narrative itself is a thrill to uncover. One of the best detective games ever made.