This game had a troubled development and it shows. The hacking system presents lots of new gameplay opportunities, but never really gets a chance to shine. The story has a lot of interesting lore and ideas and chooses to focus on the least interesting parts. Over all it's an average Open World game with a few decent ideas and a fair attempt at deconstructing the idea of vigilante justice.

The hacking system shows off it's full potential in what is essentially a lite immersive sim. The story is extremely unfocused but provides fun missions and likable characters. Just a great time.

You have to give them credit trying such an ambitious idea, and I do. Sometimes the system works and creates memorable moments. Most of the time, it just makes things awkward and stiff. The story remains just as messy but lacks the fun tone and interesting personalities to make up for it.

A tough to stomach meditation on violence and responsibility. Average gunplay is excused for the richness of the narrative. Hasn't necessarily aged super well, but by the standards of its time remains sharp.

Stupidly straightforward, and stupidly fun. The best destruction system in all of gaming brings real weight to your actions as you blast through an utterly forgettable story. The best game in the series hands down.


This game lives and dies on its sense of style. The shooting, stealth and story are average at best, but it's presentation is top tier. A true cult classic. Shame about the remake.