384 Reviews liked by NazoCrystal



Leaving a log mostly because this thing is practically impossible to find without using someone's list.

This seems very neat, and perhaps the scariest a relatively plain SMW hack could get. This one has some neat tricks, but I think it fails to explain itself well... as in it doesn't explain anything at all. Still, a cool addition to the lineup of Mario World hacks.



Erm... One ticket to BONERVILLE, please!

Ok but seriously who smacks off to porn games when sites exist? Is it because it's interactive? Please explain.

1.5 imp handies outta 5



They say it takes 5 hours to Beat Doom but I finish in 2 Minutes

A 2020 HD remake of 1996's Chex Quest somehow feels even weirder a concept than the original pack-in. The transition to polygonal assets leaves the whole thing feeling kinda cheap, and sheds a lot of the naive innocence that the original exuded. That being said, it is interesting to see the levels reimagined with the allowance of layered verticality – an impossibility of the DOOM engine. The most fun I had with this was seeing how nearly 30-year-old levels had been tweaked and translated into a new engine while still trying to capture the spirit of the original. Unfortunately, only the first level and Arboretum really feel evocative of their predecessors. The other levels are just sorta generic industrial space venues, which, is pretty appropriate to the originals, but they don't feel like particularly great callbacks.

The levels aren't the only thing that suffered from the shift to 3D, though. The movement kinda feels like ass, with very little feedback and an awful acceleration lag when trying to sprint. The weapons, too, have little-to-no feedback and straight-up don't function like they should. The shotgun has no spread, the rocket launcher feels like there's no splash damage, and the plasma rifle's projectiles are incredibly slow. It's charming that they retain their original sound effects, but their referential inclusion spurs little more than a "huh, that's neat!" after first noticing.

Surprisingly, the best part of this game is the writing. They've really leaned into the corniness of this game's very existence, with Captain Fred Chexter slinging cheeseball one-liner after cheeseball one-liner. I think this gets the closest to capturing the spirit of the original, but it's a bright spot awash in a sea of mediocrity.

As said by many before, the lengthy battle animations and slow FF4-styled ATB bars kill this game. Increasing the animation speed and switching to FF6's ATB system would remedy this issue. Shame, because the art is great, the writing is enjoyable, and the voice acting is excellent.

What can u even say. I think any legitimate writing on this game probably comes off cringe. I'll just say that this thing doesn't end up working. It's a black hole with really cool art. I think I might even actually like it a bit. It's complicated

It plays like ass, which is both a compliment and an insult towards this game.

i love this game but the game doesn’t love me back, making me love it even more

worst part is, i can’t even put into words why i like it so much

an abusive relationship

Why can't more anime games look like this? Does ARCSYS simply have the special sauce?

this game was fun for a week then they patched roshi

You mean I can play as Yamcha AND Tien???

this happened to my buddy eric

i fucking love kitty horrorshow

In the psychology of the modern civilized human catgirl, it is difficult to overstate the significance of the Kitty Horrorshow.