384 Reviews liked by NazoCrystal

the most impressive thing about this game is its only good if you care about the writing and it gets good within 30 seconds

Tommy Wright I creep at night

this game is fuhnny lol mahn i love it jacksepticeye

0/10. No that is not a meme ranking, I'm being dead serious.

Ride to Hell Retribution might be a worse game, but I hate Exit Music so, so much fucking more it's unbelievable. At some point I'll make a full review but right now I don't have the energy, I really don't.

The way I've never finished this game before

While I understand the notion that P-06 is "the best Sonic game", I can't agree with it. This is an amazing fan project, and it fixes so many issues with 06, and I'm eager to see what else is in store - the full game isn't ready -, what's here is incredible.

But in my opinion, there are still just some things about 06 that I'm not fully on board with. Namely, I hate the boarding sections of Sonic's levels and the messy mach speed sections.

Let's start with the boarding sections. Plain and simply, these are just unfun to control. It felt like I was either always overshooting where I was trying to go, or it was a fight to turn at all. Jumping is incredibly clunky, and you'd think successfully doing a jump would reap you the rewards, but collecting the ring/life boxes or landing on rails after jump was so inconsistent. Mercifully, there are only two boarding segments of the game; the one in White Acropolis is pretty easy and I feel like doesn't ultimately affect the total score of the level all that much. Crisis City's really sucked though, and was incredibly poor to control.

As for the mach speed sections, I just think these are pretty fundamentally below average. I imagine this fan remake (I haven't played the original) makes these parts much more bearable, but I still can't tell you how many times I was sent careening into an obstacle and lost all my rings, or how many times I would jump a bit too early or too late and, because of how long these jumps are without being able to land early, drop right in front of something I couldn't avoid. You can get a pretty great sense of speed during these, but it's not really worth the trouble. Every mach speed section is the ending to the level its in which is incredibly frustrating. You might be doing pretty good and have a lot of rings, but something unforeseeable makes you lose your rings and suddenly you don't have an S rank anymore.

Those two things only affect Sonic, however, and besides those portions, Sonic's levels are a good time. And Shadow plays pretty much the same except slightly more fun combat, and vehicular combat which was a decent shakeup. Silver had a learning curve, but once I got the hang of him... well, I still preferred the other hedgehogs, but he was fun.

Then there are the friends, most levels have you hop between multiple characters. Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Omega, Blaze, and Amy. To be honest, I consider all of these characters to be less fun than playing the main three, with the exception of Blaze and Amy. Maybe it's just because they played like Sonic and broke up Silver's levels, but I found those two to be a lot of fun. Hell, Silver's Dusty Desert actually ended up being one of my favorite levels of the game because of Amy's part (which is kind of funny cause that level is pretty infamous in the official game).

Highly recommend trying this one out, whether you hate 06, never tried it, or like it. It's still missing the final story, hub worlds, boss fights, and other ins and outs, but it has the most important parts of the game and the most fun parts.

I don't like this revisionist history I'm seeing with regards to this project that tries to paint Sonic '06 as something that can be salvaged with "better core gameplay". Sonic 06 was a fundamentally broken game, in every single aspect of its design. It's not something so easily fixed, and after all these years of it being one of the most laughably bad games of all time, one that even the most die-hard fans seemed to have trouble defending, it's very strange seeing people online saying stuff like "it had good ideas!" or "it just needed a bit more development time!" or "It has a lot of potential!". My knee-jerk reaction is to say this is nostalgia talking for a lot of people, wanting to believe this game they felt so disappointed by as a kid could've ended up as a masterpiece, but the reality is that the game never stood a chance. You'd have to go back to the drawing board with Sonic 06 to pull out something decent, not just give it more time in the oven.

No hate to the project's creator, because I think it's a genuine show of love for the series that someone would undergo trying to salvage one of the most infamous games of all time. If I'm judging just his work I'd be praising him, but unfortunately his great work is still being built upon, well, Sonic '06. If the myriad of tweaks is enough to make this game enjoyable for Sonic fans, all the more power to them. But playing this project just crystalized for me how much Sega absolutely failed with Sonic '06. The level design is boring, frequently includes frustrating mechanics and the additional characters outside Sonic, Shadow and Silver still feel tacked on and never as fun as the primary trio, and focusing on half-baked physics puzzles and vehicle combat for the Shadow and Silver campaigns is still completely misguided.

I fully admit the game controls much better now, and would love to see people take this framework and do something new with it. But good core controls doesn't suddenly make Sonic '06 worth playing, it just shows that game development is complicated, and the fixes we propose as fans often aren't enough to save the games we want to love. I wanted to love Sonic '06 when I played it as a young kid, but even then, when my standards for games were so much lower, I still felt that this game was broken beyond repair. Unfortunately after playing P-06, I still feel that way.

being honest this game helped me understand the influence of iconoclast culture among video game circles and how preconceived notions on products directly propagates user feedback in mostly negative ways against the creators

Good time and fun pokemon fan game, just felt like it lacked anything that reallllly stuck. Good play though! Lots of fun unique stuff it brings to the table.

story is so mid but you gotta give credit where credit is due because it was pretty fire for the time

The story may suck but the regional forms and megas are so good

I think that in another life on another world this could have been a transcendent experience but unfortunately this is this life and this world so it wasn't

2 years after playing this game I am still thinking about the game telling me "It is Tuesday. You have $4.50. You have itchy drippy rash."

I couldn't remember what the name of that fuckass game that i hated but played a lot of in my childhood was until today where I realized it was a game from a cartoon

anyways it's terrible but welcome to my backlog

beguiling gay outsider art. stunning and hysterical soundtrack. the pink flamingos of gaming. essential!