384 Reviews liked by NazoCrystal

A fun little experiment from before the world deserved to burn machine learning algorithms to hell.

Probably technically better than SMG1 but the og will always be my fave

has some godtier story moments but its dungeons are extremely boring to look at visually, better mantra system though

Game Hero is fucking wrong I only make masterpieces.

Just a bunch of gamers locked in a room for a 100 years dropping banger after banger.

Pissing on the grave of a defunct company like this should be illegal.

"Hey hey hey, I think it's time for Craaaazy Taxi!" - me immediately before cumming

Pretty cool game. Unfortunately some people copy it wholesale and then just say they were "inspired" by this game or something. Maybe that's a sign of its power.. Clunky to play nowadays but the feeling is still very much there.

The best game soundtrack ever to be attatched to a non functioning game

Speaking as someone who has now 100%d both this game and the first (crazy flex, I know.) As of right now I'd consider this game a fascinating improvement over the initial game that has a lot to offer in terms of QoL, new mechanics, improved level design, and a more compact but content-rich world by comparison to its predecessor. It's genuinely a massive improvement and it's clear the dev gave a lot of consideration for the complaints made towards the more tedious aspects of the first.

However, aside from being an upgrade of the first title, the game continues to very much offer what it presents; ultimately a unity simulator game with sometimes broken but mostly functioning stealth mechanics and some basic levels of strategy required. It's fun for the amount of time the game requests you invest but doesn't offer much beyond that.

I'm also genuinely shocked to say I'm kind of interested to see where the story progresses after the cliffhanger it leaves us on, but won't be holding my breath.

Overall a solid experience I can't complain about but far from something I'd recommend as a must buy for stealth fans. Enjoyable if you enjoy this kind of thing (which I do, and did).

This game let me fulfill my fantasy of invading a home so I can break some dinner plates and get shot to death

One of the worst games that I ever played but still somehow manages to be good.

It’s a buggy mess that looks and plays horribly, but it is still fun?

An enigma of a game.

The simple pleasure of watching a 34-car pileup

So i don't mind that the game basically requires you to stay on the early floors to get loot right it makes sense with the concept of the game, i dont mind a grind either, i do mind that this game is SO difficult. like sometimes i swear moves are just not dodgeable or they are dodged and it doesn't work. idk, enjoyable but im gonna shelf it and maybe come back to it when im in the mood for a long long grind?