During the best of times this played like Rogue Squadron 1 but in the prequel era. At the worst of times, most of the time, you were on the ground controlling boring vehicles no one cares about busting unforgettable characters like Captain Panaka out of robot jail.

Incredible game, peak gameplay of the Rogue Squadron series. Only held back by sections where you were on foot, anything involving a vehicle was absolute perfection.

For world building and expansion of the prequel era alone this game is a 5. Less then amazing controls bring it down.

They also put so much effort into including additional content with behind the scenes stuff, "blooper" reels, and entire comic runs.

Lets be honest, the only reason to play this game was for the funny commercials and the naked chick.


A decent open world GTA knockoff

Even as a buggy unfinished product, this game slaps the upmost dick and is the peak of the series.

Campaign is a 1 but the multiplayer is shockingly good

The game had an interesting system of managing fronts for your Family and protecting them from encroachments by rival Families, otherwise it's a generic GTA clone.

I'm willing to die on a lot of stupid hills, but none taller than that this game actually slaps.

In all ways except gameplay, i prefer this to 3.

Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, this is the best gaming purchase you could ever make back in 07. At double the price it still would have been a steal.


hahahahahaha this fucking game