Literal perfection. So good it even made me come around on the original game, which I hated the first time I played it. The only people who say this is somehow worse than the original are complete nostalgia babies, it's not even a contest. Also Leon is hot.

Excellent game but I'd be lying if I said it kept my interest for long. I was pretty much done with after finishing the story and I feel like a large reason why (outside of the lack of any post-game) is just that it feels like I'm still playing BOTW. An expanded BOTW, but still BOTW.

This game would be perfect if it came out like, 2-3 years after BOTW, but for a 6 year wait, getting just more of the same, no matter how good that more is, just doesn't do it for me. I love this game but knowing we're another 5-6 years away from getting a new completely original Zelda is extremely disheartening.

It's not perfect but it has so much style and personality it's hard to really care. This game is a very fun time. I want to give it 5 stars so badly but the level design is just about holding it back.

The Sonic/Shadow stages are great, if a bit too linear (Levels like Red Mountain or beta Windy Valley from SA1 are the gold standard on how Sonic levels should be designed, but the ones in this game don't offer that much exploration and replayability). The mech stages are fun but still probably shouldn't be in a Sonic game, and the treasure hunting stages are not very fun.

I'll be generous and say about 2/3rds of this game's levels are very fun, which at least for me is about right, but that still leaves quite a few levels that a bit of a chore to get through.

I'd say this game is pretty comparable to Mario Sunshine in this way. The parts that are good are excellent, and for a lot of people it does a lot of things the rest of the franchise has just never re-captured (Sonic especially), but there's still just enough issues with some of the levels that for a lot of other players, the good parts aren't enough.

Saying this game is objectively bad is insane, it's not. It is a good game, and the majority of it is well designed. But I can see why it's not for everyone. I think the presentation does carry it quite a lot. The music, menus, story, cutscene directing, character models (on the Dreamcast version at least, the Battle version ruined them), it's all great and just oozes charm. This game just has this vibe to it that's so extremely appealing to me and it makes me kind of resent the rest of the franchise for not living up to it.

I also think it's worth noting that this game is absolutely the best Sonic has ever controlled, and is my personal favourite moveset from any video game. I know some people don't like Sonic's fast-turning but I never really had an issue with it. There's just so much fluidity, speed and precision in these controls, I hate that this is the last Sonic game that I actually enjoy moving Sonic around in.

Despite it's flaws this is still a game I can reccomend to basically everyone. Even just the soundtrack alone is worth playing for.

The Dreamcast version has better lighting and models, Gamecube (Battle) has multiplayer content and a better Chao Garden (mechanically at least). Either option is fine but I personally go with Dreamcast because I kinda hate how Sonic's model looks in Battle, and obviously aesthetics are a large reason why I love this game.

It's fine, it's just not a Doom game to me. It kinda just abandons every single aspect of the original games that I love in favour of being a generic (but good) triple-A FPS game. I still enjoy it but it just doesn't feel like Doom and I'm gonna be upset if it's critical acclaim means there will never be another game like the originals.

It's... fine?

I had an alright time on my first playthrough but had no motivation to go back to it after. It feels better to play mechanically than the previous games but it still just feels kinda devoid of soul in a lot of aspects. All it really does is make me think about how I'd rather be playing BOTW, a game it's clearly taking a ton of inspiration from.

Also man, for a Sonic game this soundtrack sucks. The vocal themes are amazing but why is the stage music all so generic and forgettable? It doesn't fit a Sonic game at all.

Also this game's more traditional stages are genuinely terrible. Like, impressively bad. "I'd rather be playing Sonic Forces" levels of bad. How did they manage it?

Edit: Played the game again and took half a star off because man the game is like 10x worse on a second playthrough. I even ended up liking the open world parts less than the Cyberspace stages, somehow. Really really boring and terrible combat too, why did they think that was a good idea for a Sonic game?

Thinking back about how autistically obsessed with Overwatch I was back in 2016-2017 is kind of sad now. What happened to this game?

I played this entire game and felt absolutely nothing. IDK what happened here. Even Sword and Shield I ended up puttng like 400 hours into. Something about this formula just isn't clicking with me.

Also god, how does the biggest media franchise ever produce a product that feels this cheap and underdeveloped? I know Switch hardware isn't the best but if Mario Odyssey and BOTW exist on it, you can make a game that looks better than this.

I've owned this game my entire life but up until recently never actually made it through the second day because the time limit stressed me out too much. Epic game when you get over that though. Only real issue is the Pikmin AI being kinda terrible, torwards the end of the game I kinda stopped caring if they die or not because they're just too stupid to live.

Magna-Fi, Julien-K, Powerman 5000 and Crush 40 all on the same soundtrack.

Please make plushies of Rin. I will buy him.

I absolutely love this game.

I just hate playing it. The entire game is just check lights, wind box, mask, repeat. Over and over with no variation whatsoever. It is genuinely mind-numbing. Complete waste of the really cool larger building since only one camera ever gets used. It's also just not remotely scary, I'm pretty sure even as a dumb 13 year old first playing it I didn't find it scary at all.

This game is begging for a FNaF2 Plus. Kinda weird the first game is the one being remade in the first place when it probably needs it the least out of all of them.

I don't know... it's fun.

It's hard for me to hate this game when it oozes so much passion and personality. This really feels like it could have been a worthy Sonic Adventure 3 if the team were just given enough time to finish the game. Also this game introduced me to Zebrahead, so it can't be that bad.

This game is good and all but the lack of amiibo costumes just kinda kills my interest in it. Being able to play as Totem Link in MM1 was the coolest thing ever. There is now a Totem Link-sized hole in my heart.

You are never going back
because you got Springtrapped

What Sonic Mania should have been. Fight me.