What the fuck am I supposed to do in this game?

Every single aspect of this game was designed specifically to put into trailers and mislead fans into getting excited.

This is a nothing-game.

Also the character customisation isn't even good! You can't make anything that even looks remotely like a Sonic character, just very generic and ugly designs without much variation.

Hoobastank vocal theme and Silver's inclusion are the only things keeping this from a 1-star rating.

I used to like this game entirely just because it's not a boost game but man, this just isn't good at all.

This whole game is trying so hard to just be a Mario rip-off instead of a Sonic game. Visually the game looks like a 3D World bootleg, the main antagonist is a blatant Bowser rip-off, the rest are basically just the Koopalings but they can talk and are annoying, and the main gimmick is taken from Mario Galaxy. Also Sonic isn't fast! He moves slowly by default and has a run button to make him run at average speed. Yeah, it's just a shitty version of Mario.

Extremely boring and uninspired level design, which somehow manages to feel more linear than the boost games, very generic OST which isn't Sonic music at all, bland presentation, terrible writing, etc. etc.

This game doesn't do a single thing right. Straight up, not one decision made in this game's development was good. How the hell is this the game that came after Generations?


You know a game is 10/10 when annoying Twitter kids hate it

I always thought Sonic 06 had the DNA of the potential best Sonic game ever made, and that if it wasn't held back by its rushed development, it could have been an actual masterpiece

Now thanks to fans, I don't have to wonder about that anymore! This game is awesome and I can't wait to play through the full story mode when it's finished.

This game however does also upset me quite a lot because whenever I play it I always have this feeling of anger and resentment towards SEGA for not even attempting to make proper Sonic games like this.

This is the first 5th gen inspired retro game to actually get it right. The visuals, the designs, the level design, the controls, everything is perfect.

This game NEEDS a sequel with a larger scope. This is genuinely the best retro throwback game I've ever played and I'm dying to play a game exactly like this but with more content.

This is basically just Rayman 2 with better combat and pacing, not sure why no-one really talks about it.

The game does feel a bit short but it's not a big deal, I think it's around the same length as Rayman 2, just feels shorter because of the faster pacing, maybe?

Instead of continuing the dark tone of Rayman 2, 3's story is extremely self aware and full of 4th wall humour, which comes across as very early 2000s for better and the for worse.

I do enjoy this game's dialogue a lot but it does end up making me miss the more meloncholy dark fantasy vibe Rayman 2 had. If I'm still alive when Rayman 4 comes out I hope it has the fun dialogue and characterisations of Rayman 3 but still lets the story be serious and high-stakes outside of that to preserve the tone and atmosphere of Rayman 2.

Also I love this game's design for Rayman. The big 2D eyes work so well on Rayman and it makes him really expressive. I was pretty upset that Sparks of Hope completely abandoned this design. I'm hoping they do go back to something similar to this in the next Rayman project.

Minor complaint about the presentation but when Rayman throws his fists, the hands on his model don't dissapear, so he's basically just duplicating his hands and throwing them? Looks kinda visually confusing. Apparently the PC version fixes this but it's messed up on every other version. Strange.

Also don't play the HD version of this game, it's really buggy and breaks certain aspects of the game. It also completely removes the intro to the game that featured "Madder" by Groove Armada which is unforgivable

This game is so good it kind of ruined the 2D platforming genre for me because nothing else can really compare to it (maybe other than Mario Wonder now)

The controls and movement are so smooth and fun, the hand-painted artstyle still looks amazing and the soundtrack, while nothing I'd really go out of my way to listen to, is also great and memorable.

The only complaint I can even think of is just that a lot of the levels were designed with the Wii U gamepad in mind, and the touchscreen gimick is now substituted with a pretty shallow mechanic where you just press a button and Murphy clears the path in front of you. It's not bad, it's just kinda weird and can be kind of a pace breaker.

Actually insane that the last Rayman game was this good and Ubisoft still never gave us another one after.

I really just don't get it.

The gameplay is fine, sure. But I can't really get invested in anything I'm doing when I'm playing as a faceless blob of pixels in a story that feels half-assed at best and genuinely insulting to people who actually suffer from depression and anxiety at worst.

This game is extremely "so retro!!" and I'm not sure why people don't really complain about it. Sure, it's an indie game, but it costs $20! I'd expect the pixel art to be at least competent, these sprites feel like they were drawn by someone who's never seen an old game in their life. The 3D world map is the only part of the game that looks unique or interesting and it makes me wonder why they chose pixel art for this at all.

The story just feels really generic and lazy. Like it's a normie's idea of what being mentally ill is like. I genuinely don't know why they didn't just do something more original for the story and drop the whole indie game that's an allegory for depresion thing if they weren't even gonna go all the way with it. Was this just easier than coming up with a story? Was this more marketable? Well, I guess it worked...

Yes, I know none of this is related to gameplay, but if everything outside of the gameplay is so bad that I have literally zero investment in anything I'm doing then I can't really give the game points for that. I'm aware other people are able to ignore these things and just enjoy the gameplay but this is my review and I can't do that! Story, presentation and design are a big deal for me and this game just does nothing but frustrate me in those aspects.

This is the Dark Souls formula perfected.

I literally don't understand why so many Souls fans dislike this. As someone who sucks at these games, this game is nowhere near as hard or frustrating as Elden Ring, which I never see people complain about.

The vast majority of bosses feel completely fair and well telegraphed, the visuals and music are stellar and over-all this game just has a really cool vibe.

Also bonus points for achieving a male protagonist who is both adorable and extremely cool. Cute guys in western media are practically non-existent for some reason. Praying the sequel will also let us play as a badass twink.

I'm really sorry, I just can't get get into this game. It's fun, sure. But I can't help but feel like I'm just replaying Spider-Man 1 but worse.

There's some minor gameplay improvements but they don't really make up for the signifficantly worse story and characters.

Venom is completely wasted in this game and I was really hoping this would be the game to make me come around on Miles as a character but no, he has "just Peter but less interesting" syndrome as bad as ever, and the way they're writing Peter out of the story in favour of him feels kinda insulting to long-time fans.

Outside of the new story, it's just the same game with an expanded open world, which just isn't enough for me. There was a pretty big gap between these two games, it shouldn't feel like a 1.5.

Literally the best VR game out there IMO. FNaF gameplay translates into VR perfectly.

I do wish the horror was done better though. The Jumpscares in this game are pretty laughable and most the minigames aren't super interesting. If you played without VR it'd probably be pretty mid over-all.

Help Wanted 2 has potential to be the best FNaF game ever if it takes what this one did right but just gives us better horror and more interesting minigames.

This probably has the worst level design of every classic Mega Man game but the presentation is just so pretty and charming who even cares? More games that look and sound like this please.

This review contains spoilers

This game is so hard to come back to. Absolutely none of the gameplay elements are any fun and the game is just extremely slow and automated over-all. It was a nice change of pace when it came out and there's certainly good ideas here, but I'm glad the next game went in a different direction.

Best part is probably the visuals and character designs. Very nice-looking game, even if a lot of the gameplay involves just staring into black nothingness...

Also it's weird that Baby basically never appears, right? The only time you see her is in the opening cutscene and on the conveyer belt at the end. Weird.

Ennard is peak FNaF antagonist and it's criminal he only appears at the end of this game and then was written out of the franchise immedietely after.

The first playthrough of this game is absolutely miserable but once you adjust to the crap factor it's actually pretty fun to go back through.

There's some cool ideas here and there but ultimately this is an unfinished toy commercial. Not a horror game. The worst part is that it's literally a good toy commercial! I can't stop buying Security Breach merch! Send help!!!