23 reviews liked by Nem3215



Went back to this and I WANT BULLY 2!

Folk in school paid me £2 to unlock the Invincibility cheat for them. I made almost £5.

the first game theory video on this game irrationally pisses me off because matpat paints max fleischer as this absolute unknown nobody who never got his due when bro everyone fucking knows his work people literally call it fleischer era animation what fucking planet are you on

Would be better than LBP2 if it didn't run like absolute corpse.

>hear a really cool song
>look it up
>its from undertale
there isnt a worse feeling in the world

pretty solid reskin of simpsons hit and run. i like all the birds a lot

Never played it but the porn is pretty good.


Ah, LittleBigPlanet. The game that some would argue saved the state of PS3 games back in 2008. Surprisingly enough I never tried out LBP1 before this but I do have a lot of respect for this franchise for simply stepping out of Sony’s comfort zone.

After playing LittleBigPlanet I can safely say that Media Molecule’s step into the PlayStation 3 has earned its way not only to my heart but to my favorite games of all time. The sheer amount of creativity and passion put into this whole game is simply fascinating. The story mode plays out very well and it fits the tone very well that all of the characters aren’t human or sackperson. The game just has so much charm to it and thankfully for purchasing the GOTY edition I got to play some of the community levels that are now extinct.

They’re all very nice and I’m ecstatic that I was able to catch onto the best of LBP1’s online. The physics and gameplay are very nice of course although in some stages, jumping often takes you to layers you didn’t wanna go to which I found very frustrating, and I do wish for some of the levels that there wasn’t a limited amount of lives 😅, but it was still a very pleasing experience to play LBP.

If you’re yet to play LittleBigPlanet I highly recommend you get into the series starting with this one, it’s a fantastic game and introduction, can’t wait to play LittleBigPlanet 2!

Believe it or not, there was once a legitimate rivalry between Sonic and Mario over who was the better mascot and who had the better games. And as someone who grew up with a Master System and then a Genesis, I was obviously on Team Sonic - the quick blue hedgehog jumps over the fat plumber. Imagine my surprise on a revisit when it turns out I like the first Super Mario game far more than the first Sonic game (which came out nearly six years later!)

The controls aren't the easiest to get used to especially by today's standards - Mario slips and slides with a slightly unintuitive momentum, making it feel like the player has to fight against the game in order to keep him from running facefirst into hazards. However, this battle against the controls is extremely rewarding to eventually overcome, and at the heart of it is the run button. By being able to speed Mario up and slow him down at the drop of a hat, it opens the door for some really cool momentum-based platforming tricks; this is incidentally what makes Mario far more satisfying to speedrun (ironically) than Sonic, whose momentum the player has far less control over.

One thing that SMB does far better than nearly all its contemporaries is provide a low skill floor to go with its high skill ceiling. Playing a safe, careful, deliberate game with minimal use of the run button will get you as far as 75% of the way through the game before World 7 arrives to kick your teeth in. Being able to see 6 worlds worth of bite-sized stages with interesting gimmicks that don't overstay their welcome provides fantastic motivation to keep returning to the game and improve your skill incrementally in order to see the last stages through to the end.

I feel like this would be a 3.5 or 4-star game, but having spent the past couple of years revisiting older games, I have to add at least a half-star to SMB for being an absolute windmill dunk in the context of the era it was released in. It's not perfect, but as far as first entries in beloved series go, on a scale from Street Fighter to Doom, it's far far closer to the latter.