Excellent gameplay, loses it's way a little in terms of story - especially compared to 1 and 2 - and lacks the variety of levels and minigames previously seen in the series, but introduces memorable characters and is still an absolute blast to play.

NOT PLAY A LOT YET - but an interesting game so far. Tactical, deterministic combat with growing depth in an unusual and atmospheric world. Looking forward to playing more.

A wonderful Sokoban-puzzle adventure about rolling logs to build bridges and move a cute monster around a museum archipelago. The art and music for A Monster's Expedition are top notch and the game is peaceful and relaxing throughout. Puzzles are engaging, but not overwhelmingly difficult. As you move from island to island, multiple paths will open up. Stuck on a puzzle? Take a break and head in a different direction to keep the game flowing.

A superb and highly polished puzzle adventure that all sokoban fans should try out

Solitaire Carcassonne. Build an idyllic countryside one tile at a time while trying to score points by matching edges of the hexagonal tiles to the environment you've already created. Match up tree edges together to build forests, houses together to build villages and score points and extra tiles for meeting special goals along the way.

A wonderfully chilled and relaxing game that works as both a light strategy/puzzle game, and as a soothing sandbox landscape builder. Very enjoyable.

Beautiful, definitely play it with sound. Lovely designs in the levels and the characters that make a charming world, not overly difficult but still involves some thought. One of the better mobile experiences.


A pretty game with strong sound design and a charming, colourful world filled with a variety of critters. Unfortunately let down by janky and stilted movement that makes the moment to moment gameplay awkward and platforming frustrating. Improves towards the end with an exhilarating teleport mechanic, but the jump remains frustrating throughout

A quality turn based, party rpg. Its got a real tabletop feel to it and a sense of adventure and fun to play solo or co-op (though who designs a co-op game with an odd number party size!?!?).

Its best feature by far is the tactile and grokable RNG system that makes it easy to understand how your character's skills affect attacks/encounters - but also great interplay with effects and ailments thst allow for great depth without losing clarity.

Very easy to get into, very hard to put down

Clearly I am bad at twin stick shooters, but Enter the Gungeon has an inescapably entertaining theme. The gameplay is solid, the bullet hell controls are tight and the combat is exciting - but Gungeon lives in its incredible theming. The guns are guns, the enemies are bullets, the guns fire bullets, those bullets are sometimes guns. It's wacky and over the top in an utterly brilliant way, this game for me has killed the Binding of Isaac.

I haven't completed Gungeon and likely never will, but I've enjoyed it every time I've played

While it wasn't the tricky, mind bending puzzler that I expected - Superliminal's range of puzzles feels exhausted by the midway point - I still came out of this one completely satisfied.

It's not a puzzle game, it's a walking sim. Excellent visuals, trippy and creative scripted sequences, and an engaging story told largely through solid voiceover work as you explore the games surreal world.

A couple of hours long, can be played in one sitting, definitely worth taking a look at

A parody of Starred Valley/Harvest Moon that takes elements of the genre and twists them into a frantic, difficult, twin stick shooter roguelite

It has slightly cluttered visuals and has a lot of unsatisfying deaths, but when you start formulating strategy and figuring out the games tricky systems then Atomicrops becomes totally addictive as all good roguelikes do

Superb mashup of tower defence, dungeon crawling roguelike, and party based RPG. Dungeon is a game with exceptional strategic depth, engaging risk vs. reward systems, satisfying mechanics and a stellar atmosphere

Whether played solo with a tactical pause or multiplayer in a more frantic real time strategy mode, Dungeon scratches the itch for fans of tricky tactical strategy games

What a special game. Absolutely breathtaking from it's very first moments and when you encounter these enormous colossi it is simply sublime.

SotC, its remaster, and its remake have been some of the best games on three generations of Sony consoles.

Have you wcer wanted to be an 19th century English gentleman voyaging to the red planet with a friend or pet cat? Well here you go.

A very enjoyable, though short, asymmetrical co-operative puzzle experience with a brilliantly whimsical theme that's engaging for its full 90 minute length

A strong premise, disappointing execution. The frequent major updates are bringing the game to what it was always promised to be - but for now the core gameplay loop remains quite tedious and the quantity of content adds breadth rather than depth.

Maybe one day.


"Theorycrafting light-bullet hells" are one of my new favourite types of game. With simple gameplay, constant action, frequent interesting decisions - SNKRX is a colourful and entertaining addition to the genre.