5 stars for childhood nostalgia. Pretty basic beat em up but the graphics and soundtrack are badass. Highly recommend if your a fan of power rangers like me, won't be disappointed

Interesting indie game, short and emotionally impactful. Not much on the gameplay side of things but if your looking for a graphically pretty game and don't mind the slow pace of a walking sim then check it out.

Got way too addicted to this game... numbers go brrrrrrr and it's weirdly fun, made it to Mars and bought the universe. Done.

Classic game from my childhood. I love the flash art style, takes me back to newgrounds everytime. Super fun and fast paced run and gun kinda like contra. Very difficult but worth the playthrough, highly recommend

For a free pack in game with the ps5 it's pretty amazing. A really fun 3d platformer that takes you through the history of playstation. So many awesome references and plenty to keep you entertained for a few hours. If you own a ps5 there's really no reason not to play this

The first game that made me fall in love with supergiant games. The narrator is amazing, the atmosphere is dream like and eerie at the same time, and the combat is fun and engaging. Highly reccomend!

Amazing game even if your not a fan of batman. Great game atmosphere and combat. I love the story and the setting of Arkham was a lot of fun exploring. Would give it 5 stars bit I feel like the sequel did everything this game did but bigger and better. Still worth a playthrough!

Best batman game ever made, hands down. Nothing more to say, just go play this masterpiece

It's an interesting game where you jump around diffrent fps worlds trying to stop some evil designer or something? Been awhile since I beat it but I remember it being okay just a little jank and slow paced in some sections. Not bad if your into indie fps games that do interesting story stuff

Not a bad game but I got stuck on a boss and don't feel the need to finish this one. The bounce jump got kind of annoying at some points but overall not a bad time

It's a simple arcade spaceship game, not a huge fan of the genre but the controls felt good and I'm sure somebody who is into asteroids or games that control similarly you'll have a blast with this. It gives you options for 3 diffrent control schemes and diffrent ways your shields and specials work so that's cool!

Really wanted to like this game because I'm a huge fan of left 4 dead but I couldn't even make it past the first chapter... it didn't hook me like I wanted and I found the gameplay to be boring. The card system could've been a cool idea but it was implemented poorly. Maybe I will give it another try someday but most likely not

I played this game wayyyyy too much... then the sixth one came out and I play that way too much 😅 10/10 super addicting tower defense, love the sound of bloons popping and obnoxious explosions 😃 a huge variety of maps and towers, a shit ton of stuff to unlock, and tons of modes. I will say current day go for bloons 6 first but pick this up if it's cheap 🙂

Got to the part where it goes full metroidvania but then it went off of ps+ so realistically I probably won't get back to this one. Amazing music and bosses! Highly recommend playing, wish I could've finished it... maybe someday