Easily one of the best games you can get on the Switch. Super fun, super addictive, especially with friends. You get hooked weeks at a time, trying to improve and watch the pros and get better just so you can beat those friends who are better than you. It also provides some satisfaction seeing some of your favourite characters in all of gaming brawl against each other, and that you can represent them by choosing them yourself.

This game deserves all the praise that it gets. It has a uniquely interesting world to explore. I still remember being in awe of exploring Deepnest for the first time. It was one of the best experiences of exploration in games I've ever had, everything from the sound design to the tight, cramped paths and the creepy crawlies everywhere. Everything in Hallownest feels grand and that there is a deep lore behind it, even though the entire kingdom is no bigger than an anthill in real life. The dystopian vibe of being the last of the non-infected as you explored the depths of the kingdom is unparalleled. Overall, this game has very few flaws, if any, and I would easily recommend it to anyone.

There is so much to like about Rocket League. The fact that it draws its soundtrack exclusively from Monstercat. The fact that it's about cars. The fact it's about soccer, the greatest sport in the world. But most of all, the fact that it combines all of that to be one of the most unique games out there, gameplay-wise. There is truly no other game like Rocket League. The mechanics are complex and while most other games have transferrable skills, there are none for Rocket League. Everyone who picks up this game WILL start out trash. If you played Halo you will have an advantage at Call of Duty. If you played League of Legends you will have an advantage at Dota 2. If you played CSGO you will have an advantage at Valorant. Rocket League? The only advantage you will have starting out is knowing the rules of soccer, and the rules of soccer are so simple that everyone is going to pick that up immediately. But most of most of all, Rocket League is inherently a goofy, fun, wild game to play with your friends. I've had a blast playing this game with friends and everyone that has done the same knows just what I'm talking about. Yelling "clear" and "cross" at the top of your lungs as you either destroy the other team and gain an ego boost or get destroyed and humbled as you go through a losing streak together. It teaches teamwork and communication and is one of the best multiplayer games out there. The other game modes are fun as well and provide an amazing goofy experience with your friends. While the esports of this game runs rampant, and it seems like it's all about competetively getting to the top ranks and mastering your air dribbles to impress others, I've found that personally to have the most fun with this game is to not take it too seriously. If you don't care about all that stuff and just focus on having fun, you will naturally get better with time and you will enjoy the game much better the whole ride. Just goof off with friends and get hype with every goal, even the simplest ones, just for fun. This is the best way to experience this magnificent game that will hopefully never die.

I didn't rate this game this high because of quality--so many other games are better to be honest--but because it's everything a good IOS game should be. Quick games. An addictive gameplay loop that is very fun with friends. Goofy, wild, exciting, yet just as much strategic as fun. You can take this game as unseriously as you want or as seriously as you want, it's up to you. But it's probably one of the best IOS games out there, despite the polarizing hate or praise it may get.

Actually really enjoyed this indie rogue-like gem with a fantastic co-op experience. In fact, it's meant to be played with friends, it doesn't hit the same singleplayer where there is no one to revive you, or clear the map with your epic guns with you, or sabotage everyone with the most abominable artifact debuffs known to man. It's a really addictive gameplay loop and a great risk-or-reward gimmick system, really teaching you the essence of sacrifice as investment for better future returns. My only hope is that the indie team eventually adds online co op.

A top-tier tower-defense game experience. One of the best IOS games of all time. A go-to to pass the time when needed on the go. The classic, timeless tale of monkeys versus bloons. The horrors of war really go so far, don't they?

The best tower-defense franchise of all time! You don't talk about the genre without talking about Bloons TD. It practically made the genre! Bloons will always have a special place in my heart as I played it growing up with my brothers and friends. We played the original flash game on the web, then the previous iterations of the TD games, especially the 5th game. And now they are back with this 6th version which, I was hesitant to accept the new artstyle at first coming from the artstyle of the previous games, but after some time I've come to the realization this is the best Bloons game they've made yet. This is peak monke game. It's a really fun and addictive gameplay loop, and the co-op system with friends isn't perfect but it's still fun. Usually the resources are so scarce as everyone tries to build up banana farms for the late game. The game is also extremely strategic, too. There is actually a surprising amount of strategy in how you pop the bloons on different maps. And the unofficial community lore is great! One day the bloons insulted the monkes and now they are at war!

A quality IOS tower-defense game experience. A perfect game to pass time on your iPhone or iPad when you need one. The games are quick, short, fun, and mentally-stimulating. Teslacoils and Arcane Wizards are OP!

A quality IOS tower-defense game experience. A perfect game to pass time on your iPhone or iPad when you need one. The games are quick, short, fun, and mentally-stimulating. Battle-Mechas are OP!

A quality IOS tower-defense game experience. A perfect game to pass time on your iPhone or iPad when you need one. The games are quick, short, fun, and mentally-stimulating.

Not as good as the original trilogy, but artstyle-wise it might be a step up. The choices of towers you could bring into each battle was overwhelming but it did add another layer of strategy to the game. Boneflingers and the Mausoleums were very good but overall all towers were fairly balanced, as those two weren't the best choices in every scenario. It was fun being back in the Kingdom Rush universe but through the eyes of the villains this time.

A fantastic indie RPG space opera. This was easily one of the best IOS games of its time, a crown jewel of the platform before it got ported to PC. A memorable experience from the story down to the gameplay, for fans of the space opera genre of media. This is all despite the game design being rather simple. Entering space stations yields more or less the same reused backgrounds and NPC icons. Each planet you go to feels same-y after a certain point. The campaign is fun though, it does a good job diving you into its world. I loved exploring the galaxy's various solar systems, buying and selling cargo, collecting ships and weapons, building ship parts and upgrades, and taking down pirates and enemy aliens through epic space battles. It's a good, simple, space genre experience.

Along with Dinosaur King, Digimon was another Pokemon knockoff franchise game that I enjoyed in my youth without playing any actual Pokemon games. Digimon is underrated as a franchise. I really like the digimons and their designs, and I remember really enjoying this game and its pixel-y style as a kid. I loved exploring the world, growing and evolving my digimons, feeling the pet-like connection with them as these Pokemon-esque franchises excel at, and fighting the strongest digimon near the endgame of the story. A very satisfying game for the young version of me.

I played this on my DS as a young kid. I had a lot of Pokemon knockoff games but never any actual Pokemon games. This was one of them, along with Digimon. I really enjoyed this as a kid, probably because it was pretty much Pokemon but with dinosaurs. Who didn't love collecting dinosaurs and learning everything there was to know about them as a kid? Also, I thought the game itself was really fun. From what I can remember, the gameplay loop of digging up dinosaur fossils, brushing them, teaching your dinosaurs new moves, the simple rock-paper-scissors combat system that perfectly complemented my young small brain, exploring the map, and more was really exciting for the young version of me, making for a really memorable experience. I even watched the show on TV.

This was an indie game that promised a compelling narrative rather than quality gameplay. I went into this knowing that. Like, oh, it's on sale for really cheap on the Nintendo Switch eshop, sure let's try it, it won't take too much of my time. Despite that, this is still one of my least favourite games of all time. It's so mind-numbingly pretentious that I wanted to burn the (digital) copy of the game and forget it ever existed. It's all just good marketing and good advertisment, that's all. The game has nothing to offer in any aspect of gaming. It tries too hard to be intellectual. It's extremely boring, the writing is just plain corny, and I regret the dollar I spent on the game not because I lost the money, but because it went to the devs of this stupid game. Waste of money, uber-profound cash-grab, please erase all discussions of this game in the history of mankind.