5 reviews liked by NiekFe

For a game that only improved on the first, it just didn't catch me the same way.

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I'm very good at it, and I like spamming stickers. Mostly the "MISSED" sticker, it's a evil Bowser, and it's HECKLING

fuck you mom. I asked for pokemon white 2.

"Green. Green. Greeen. For fuck sake. GREEN. Red. Red. RED"

If you know you know.

Thank goodness this came out at a time when this kind of thing was on a Nintendo DS and not downloaded from the App store, otherwise you'd have had 30 second ads between each activity.

I'm not saying it's as good as other games that I've rated 2.5. But it's also not trying to be. I rate it purely because it did exactly what it set out to do and it did make it fun.

Also because watching my Mother shout at my DS with increasing frustration is a hilarious memory from childhood.

The only thing I wish this game had is a lock on mode. The aiming was so damn annoying. The game was good though. The Neon power was cool af. The story was alright. Don't have much to say. It was a good game.

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by TimAlien |

9 Games