Really fun gameplay, the story wasn't that interesting so i ended up skipping the cutscenes. The low render distance does get annoying, but besides that it's just a really fun game.

In my opinion this game was a little too long, the open area's are a great addition but most of the quests feel really similar which bored me a little bit. Overall a fine game, but i preferred the first one.

Amazing story with great characters, amazing plot twists you won't see coming and really hard choices to make. Of course the gameplay isn't that interesting, but you can't blame a Telltale game because of that.

The only bad thing in my opinion was the lore, it got a little confusing sometimes if you are not familiar with the comics. When you start the game you get a bit of text explaining some terms, but after that the game just assumes that you know what it is. Could just be my bad, but in the beginning i got really confused about what 'The Farm' and what 'A glamour' was.

Terrible game, there is no story, there are only 4 or 5 levels with the game gameplay. All enemies feel the same, all playable characters feel the same. It's not a buggy mess so i won't give it the lowest rating possible. But i definitely won't recommend the game. Even for a movie tie in game it's really bad.

Similar to Horizon Zero Dawn, i didn't really get the story, it got too complicated in my opinion so about 25% into the story i just ended up skipping al the dialogue and cutscenes.

I did really enjoy the gameplay so that compensated the story for me. The graphics, world and environment are stunning and beautiful to look at.

In short: If you liked Horizon Zero Dawn, you will enjoy this game. If you weren't won over by the previous game, this one also won't do it for you.

Great short and relaxing game, story was really interesting and exploring the house was really fun.

It's an okay game, just good enough and nothing really special.

The gameplay was way too repetitive in my opinion, except for the Yoda part (he's on the poster so no spoiler warning). The villain was kinda bad and not interesting at all, the locations are okay, nothing really recognizable from the movies. Almost all the enemies are the same and the weapons as well.

This is one of my first VR games so i might had some more fun then the average VR gamer, but it was just enough fun, just nothing really special.

Pretty cool game. I didn't fully get the story, it was very complicated but that's mostly my fault. The gameplay was really fun as well. But omg this fucking map... i hate this map so much. It's so unclear sometimes where to go, i don't know if that was intended as extra puzzles in the game but i found myself more confused with traversing the map more than with the actual puzzles itself. And as a completionist, i really didn't like that about the game.

Fun short puzzle game. Story wasn't that engaging to me, and i didn't really like the artstyle of the human characters. But overall it's a really fun and short puzzle game.

The gameplay was really fun and engaging, i loved getting new powers and using their abilities. But i think the story was kinda mid and really generic. At least the good side, i haven't done an evil playthrough yet

This is a really beautiful game, in terms of sound and visuals. The music is amazing, i loved the artstyle and the story was also really good.

But sadly i think the gameplay ruined it for me. I wanted to play the full game in 1 sitting because it isn't that long. But honestly the gameplay was really boring it's all just moving from right to left, jumping over some gaps, and picking some dialogue that doesn't really seem to matter that much.

Of course the visuals and the music make up for a lot of the lacking gameplay, but halfway into the game i just got really bored of it so i had to take a break from it.

I still enjoyed most of it and can really appreciate it, but the gameplay just wasn't it for me.

Wow. I heard that this game was great, but this really exceeded my expectations. This game was on my backlog for literally years just because i heard that it was good, the gameplay didn't really look that appealing to me so i just never played it.

Until yesterday when i randomly decided to give it a go, and man, i was instantly hooked, the world and story were really interesting me, the comedy was really good, the characters were fun and memorable, the gameplay was so much better then i expected, the music is fantastic and although it is a pixel-art game some of the locations look great.

When i finished the game i talked to my friend about it, he had already played the game before, and told me that there were actually multiple endings, that blew my mind and i had no idea. So thanks to him, i will be researching undertale stuff for the rest of my evening :). Don't think i will replay the game to get a different ending, but man this game got me hooked on it.

I really liked the, the world and the comedy in this game. All of it was really original and the graphics were beautiful to look at. And all of the guns were very fun to use and i found myself constantly switching between all of them.

Sadly i thought the variety of enemies was really lacking which made the gameplay feel really repetitive when you're about 70% into the game. For some reason one of the bounties (the brothers) was really hard in my opinion, and the final boss was way too easy, that felt really weird to me.

Also from a completionist perspective, traveling across the world in the post game was a pain, there is no map, no fast travel, no markers. Just some portals that can take you to max 3 places on a planet but you have to re-enter one of those portals as well if you want to leave the planet. This had me stuck on planets, not knowing where to go multiple times.

Overall i think the game was fine, it definitely wasn't bad, but if there ever will be a sequel and they improve on everything above it could be amazing. I'll probably play the DLC sometime but for now i'm just really frustrated about the platinum journey.

This was my first time ever playing the first Red Dead Redemption, I've played RDR2 twice before this game, first time went for 100% completion on PC and second time i went for the platinum on PS5 and loved both times playing it.

Sadly i think that that lessened the RDR1 experience for me, i had really high expectations and expected the story to have a lot more connections with RDR2 and Dutch. Because of that i found the world really boring and empty and the story wasn't really that interesting to me.

The gameplay was still fun but felt less polished which is fair because it's an older game, but my own expectations just ruined it a little for me. Undead Nightmare was really fun though :)

I also went for the platinum trophy which i do in most games if it's not too hard, the platinum experience was okay, with a guide it was really straight forward on what to do, but in my opinion it had too many RNG trophies that included animals spawning etc. Also it was really hard to track what you've already done and what you haven't done in the stats menu.