It's kinda the best game ever, isn't it?

This was the last Mario and Luigi game I got around to playing, and maybe my expectations were set too high, but I wasn't too impressed with this game. It's fun, no doubt, but all of the fun in this game is present in (most of) its sequels, so I don't know why I would come back to this one in particular outside of nostalgia... which I don't have since I didn't play this one as a kid. Whoops...

Oh hell yeah, talk about a sick sequel! This is the Mario and Luigi game I actually had as a kid, and I was addicted to this one back in the day. Despite that, going back to it today every now and then, there's more than just nostalgia that brings me back to it.

This is hands down the most mechanically distinct Mario and Luigi game, and while some of its ideas aren't everyone's cup of tea, (consumable special attacks, badge effects, a 4 person party that can be split into 2 groups of 2...), I enjoy how unique this game is when compared to the others in the series. The game's pacing is also insane, it's always hitting you with new and interesting content. It's a far shorter game than the other Mario and Luigi games, but I'll take a bite-sized adventure that packs a lot of punch over a bloated one ripe with filler any day of the week.

Also, not like this has much impact on the quality of the game, but wow is the box art for PiT amazing. It's way better than the boring white background box art template its sequel would usher in.

If I ignore my biases, this is probably the "objectively" best game in this series. It takes a lot of the best ideas from Partners and Time and puts them in a game that's more mechanically similar to Superstar Saga. You get the best of both worlds with this one.

The one big problem with Bowser's Inside Story is its pacing. The game has a very clear 3-Act structure, and Act 2 is honestly pretty boring. The beginning is solid and the final stretch is genuinely fantastic, but there's a huge chunk in the middle of the game that I just do not care for.

This is the "Skyward Sword" of the Mario and Luigi series. The highs are very high, but the lows are very low.

Like Skyward Sword, this game is filled to the brim with padding and lazy filler (every objective in this game has like, 7 different hoops you need to jump through before you can even start working towards that initial objective), but when this game hits it strides, it offers the best experiences in this entire series.

I think Dream Team is still too inherently inconsistent to be ranked better than PiT or BIS, and because there's so much filler, it's way too long to be considered as replayable as the earlier games in this series, but it's definitely an experience worth seeing through to the end at least once, those high points are REALLY damn high.

I love the later Punch-Outs, so I kinda have to like this one outta obligation, but I can't say I enjoy playing it too much. A lot of the late-game fights devolve into dumb luck and trial and error for all but the most seasoned of veterans.

Everything about this game rules, from the gameplay, the soundtrack, the humor, just everything about it. It doesn't have a lot of staying power, but spending an afternoon replaying it every few months is always a blast.

This game was my life throughout most of High School. I don't care if it's a shit show today, I have so many amazing memories with TF2 and still admire it from the sidelines today.

Screw the half-assed sequel, this game slaps. It's a joy to replay any of the 6 main levels over and over again to try and find all of the possible escape routes, and even when you get tired of that, you can just hop into the level editor and make your own levels to replay over and over again.

Oh hey, it's the only Paper Mario I've ever tried playing, and it's so bad, it killed any enthusiasm I would have had for this series! At least the soundtrack is quite good...


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This game is so close to being a masterpiece. The first 30 minutes are bloody magical, and then half the fun of the game is thrown in the garbage when B12 the exposition robot decides to barf out the game's plot to you in excruciating detail. And then the game begs for your sympathy when B12 heroically sacrifices itself at the end of the game? That is just despicable.

Otherwise, this game is quite good. In the chapters where B12 is less involved, it's a lot of fun.