51 Reviews liked by NixKaen

Not my favorite, but the thematic strength is a high mark in the whole genre. Everything ties back to that central expectation of death, and the ending is a heartbreaker.

A fantastic JRPG, just lacking the charm and thematic maturity of its predecessors. While the combat and dungeon crawling received dramatic overhauls, the 'real world' segments felt a little underbaked, relying too much on how cool they looked as opposed to offering you emotional satisfaction. I just did not click with many of the Phantom Thieves in this game.

Not my kinda thing, but fun enough.

Even on a replay I maintain that this game, while doing nothing particularly outstanding, is a nice little adventure. It doesn't attempt to be anything more than it is in narrative and in gameplay. It's a fun story with a solid cast and some great characterization. Thanks Falcom.

Going into this knowing there's sex scenes and finding out right away the whole setting of the game, I prepared for the worst. Pleasantly surprised though, with how tasteful everything was handled. Didn't expect to enjoy it so much but I think I wanna go through all the other routes in all honesty. The writing is very obviously done by amateurs, but the CHARACTER writing on the other hand is incredibly well done, and the accompanying music is fantastic.

Only good thing to ever come out of 4chan.

this is a very meaningful little game. if the premise catches your attention for even a second, i recommend you to play it for yourself.

One of my first true visual novel experiences and it didn't disappoint! Really interesting and touching stories at times.

Darn fine game with the best story in the whole franchise. It's all downhill for here folks

Gameplay-wise the later games help curb the post game grinding, but this is still solid

it may have driven me absolutely insane at points, but I really loved the experience overall, although it is by no means a flawless masterpiece
the game's weird structure that splits it into multiple routes each with a completely different story is maybe both the best and the worst thing about it, on one hand it made me wonder about what goes on in each tale and how its story plays out (which often had satisfying payoff) especially when they would cross over, but on the other hand rerunning through the game again and again did tire me out quite often, even if there's still a good amount of things to spice up every foray into the demonic realm of besek
the overkill/majin capture system put an enjoyable spin on the gameplay as it provided a lot of options as to what to do with the said captured majin, the difficulty felt appropriate as I could feel myself getting better and better at understanding the flow of the game with each route and having less trouble every time, but I wish there was even more unique maps to every route than there already are, which brings me to a more general issue that sadly permeates the entire game
after a certain while it becomes apparent that this game didn't have the biggest budget, so despite its ambition and a grand vision a lot of corners had to be cut, there's some cool majin designs and I really like a lot of the boss fights in this game but it would sometimes reuse majin models for what should have probably been a brand new enemy, the soundtrack has a lot of highs and really inspired choices for an srpg but I would catch myself thinking that a decent amount of the more traditional fantasy tracks could use some more work, the art is absolutely gorgeous but the on-map models and the few 3d cutscenes this game does have look kind of rough, and obviously not all routes are created equal
but despite its flaws I played this nearly every day until its full completion (but I would advise literally anyone else to take breaks lol) and I think that says something about the game and how much I liked unraveling its mysteries, in my wet dreams I can see a remake of this game ironing out its imperfections and adding features and content where needed, but unless whatever big company that still owns the ip is one day magically convinced that there's money to be made from that idea I don't think it's going to happen (cuz its actual developer flight plan sure doesn't exist no more)
I'm glad I played this and gave it a fair shot because I feel like this game could use more love and recognition in spite of all of its sins, but above all else, I just think this game doesn't deserve to be forgotten

how did i end up with zero fashion sense after playing this game

A brief but sincere glance into the daily struggles of a transgender person and into their point of view of the world.
The artstyle is very cute and even though this game is very short, I feel I learned some things from it that I wasn't aware of about trans people.

Very good little game, clearly made with love and from the heart.