Finished in 2 and a hours but nevertheless a fun little zombie platformer. Shitty plot twist though
Ranging from 6-6.5

Fantastic game. Ultimately I do prefer the original but this was a fairly close runner up.
Ranging from 9.3-9.7

Super tempted to do a clean hands playthrough, this was amazing. Why did they milk assassins creed and not this 😫
Ranging from 9-9.3

I didn’t realise I was speedrunning this game until the credits started rolling. Way to easy to get immersed into this one
Ranging from 8.5-9 range

I was savoring this game for so long but I finally finished it and it was great. Ranging from 8-8.5 range

First game I finished this year and DAMN. What an absolute banger, can’t believe it took me this long to play
Ranging from 9.8-10