I wonder who at Nintendo thought “I’d love to see someone mod first person aiming into this game”. This game is perfect and could never be remade
Ranging from 9-9.3

Second souls so far, this one was definitely better then DS1 and I’m probably gonna play Sekiro next. One of the best games I’ve ever played for sure I’m just waiting until I’ve beat a good amount of games to change my list
Ranging from 9.8-10

Very slightly prefer RE7 to this but it’s closer than you’d think. The RE4 fan in me adored this game, especially that one merchant refrence
Ranging from 8.5-9

The final boss is one of the most underrated from what I’ve played. Sure it’s extremely easy but it’s emotional and a damn sword fight what more could you ask for
Ranging from 9.3-9.7

My first soulsborne. Surprisingly only boss that gave me some trouble was ornstein and smough. Gonna try my hand at bloodborne or DS3 next
Ranging from 8.5-9

Been playing T8 with my brother a lot recently so wanted to try my hand at the older games in the series (Wasn’t quite sure what counts as beating a game with no story mode so I fought every single character and won. Hardest character for sure was Paul. His annoying ass fight took atleast 30 minutes 🗿)
Ranging from 4.5-5

Some of these bosses were TRAUMATIC but I loved this for some reason I can’t explain. I’m not caught up with the lore yet I’m gonna do that after T3 so I’m kinda confused why heihachi threw kazuya over the cliff 😭
Ranging from 7.5-8

Surprisingly fun game. Nothing too serious but not too stupid. Ranging from the 6-6.5 range

Masterpiece does not BEGIN to explain this game. That final boss…
Ranging from 9.8-10

The soundtrack did NOT need to hit that hard 😭🙏 underrated by most Tekken fans ( 3 > 4/2 > 1)
Ranging from 7.5-8

I didn’t realise I was speedrunning this game until the credits started rolling. Way to easy to get immersed into this one
Ranging from 8.5-9 range

4 hour replays are so fun for games like these. Was rocking the croc hat the whole time lol
Ranging from 9.8-10

First game I finished this year and DAMN. What an absolute banger, can’t believe it took me this long to play
Ranging from 9.8-10

Fantastic game. Ultimately I do prefer the original but this was a fairly close runner up.
Ranging from 9.3-9.7

I was savoring this game for so long but I finally finished it and it was great. Ranging from 8-8.5 range