Good enough collection, my first opportunity playing Mario Sunshine and I'm enjoying that game quite a bit. However, this collection is as bare-bones as you can get. Having the three games and their soundtracks is not enough when this was supposed to be a celebration of Mario's anniversary. There's so much more that could have been included. At the very least, scans of all the manuals, concept art, just something fun to keep me entertained while not playing a game. I'm really passionate about keeping the legacy of older games going, and this feels like Nintendo doesn't share that. I hate corporate Nintendo, bring back the passion.

Going into this knowing there's sex scenes and finding out right away the whole setting of the game, I prepared for the worst. Pleasantly surprised though, with how tasteful everything was handled. Didn't expect to enjoy it so much but I think I wanna go through all the other routes in all honesty. The writing is very obviously done by amateurs, but the CHARACTER writing on the other hand is incredibly well done, and the accompanying music is fantastic.

I'm genuinely speechless after finishing this. I can't put my feelings into words. Fucking masterpiece of a game.

Mfw I fall in love with a set of characters who are intentionally designed to be bland stereotypes

I think if you've never played a Pikmin game before, this game is genuinely an 11/10. I can't name a single issue I have with the game that doesn't have to do with the previous entries. So if you're looking for something new to try or want to get in the series, absolutely phenomenal place to start and imo was worth the 10 year wait.

Coming from previous titles (the "titles" in question being only Pikmin 3 so far but I've seen enough of the first two games to speak about them), I'm a huge fan of the progression in the game. The upgrades were such a nice addition and added a whole lot more to work towards during the game. The game is absolutely easier than the older ones, but starting out with a lot less Pikmin actually made it a lot less obvious imo. The night expeditions were super fun and were a lot more stressful than the daytimes were which I liked a lot. Oatchi is my beloved and I will protect him forever. Fuck you Moss you homophobic shithead.

However despite my praises, I've got a decent bit of complaints which again, are mostly related to it as a Pikmin game, so I'll quickfire them here.
- I don't like the excessive amount of characters in this game, having dozens of castaways makes the game feel a lot less lonely which is what I really liked in the other games, and also made the main cast much less significant
- Along with that, almost every piece of dialogue in the game felt like filler and I really just wanted them to shut the fuck up sometimes which I NEVER felt with Pikmin 3
- The character creator was very unneeded, would have LARGELY prefered an actual character
- The UI changes are pretty unforgivable, why on earth would they replace the beautiful bubbly themes of the others for the boring and flat sci-fi look?
- It was kinda cool having all the different Pikmin types come back but honestly it just made most of them feel useless; there was really no use for Rock or White Pikmin when other types were available, which is even further shown by the 3-type limit
- Essentially every difficult battle was trivial because the best strategy was just to rush with Oatchi, very little reason to have any actual strategy
- Waterwraith wasn't fear-inducing enough

Go play Pikmin 4

Being from 2007, this game holds up incredibly well in nearly every aspect. The whole storyline of Rosalina and the Lumas was really nice to discover throughout the game. Nintendo did a super great job of making the controls feel great while roaming around planets and such. The graphics genuinely made me forget the Wii wasn't even HD, very stunning. Might have played this game 13 years after it came out, but man it doesn't show its age at all.


I was a little hesitant on trying this game, I've never been a big horror buff and was never interested in many other RPG Maker games, but god am I ever glad I gave this a shot. It explores mental health issues in a way I've wanted a game to do for a really long time, and from the ones I can relate to, it did it really accurately. Every plot twist was done super well. The good ending had me a little confused as first, it didn't real feel like it was finished, but I couldn't get it out of my mind for days afterwards and made me reflect so much that I looped back around to loving it. There's so much in this game that just ties everything together and makes way more sense at the end, and I wouldn't have rather it end any other way.
Of course it is an RPG Maker game and it comes with the flaws of that, tile-based movement makes navigating around annoying often but OMOCAT and the team did a super great job considering their engine.
This game is definitely worth a shot if you're an RPG fan, no matter what you like about them, and even whether you're a horror fan or not. Incredible experience, I won't be forgetting about this game anytime soon.

Level design was definitely a first attempt but aside from that, banger game

A memory of what once was. Personally like this way more than SIFAS, I wish they had continued to update this one rather than make a whole new game and ruin everything I liked about SIF.

Genuinely not even worth the $1 it costs. Aside from the obvious funny hentai game, it's actually made so horribly you can just tell it probably took a shorter time to make than it took to get approved for Steam. Music is terribly obnoxious after a couple minutes, and with there only being 10 different levels you can literally get a better experience by typing "Minesweeper" into Google. Don't even get it for the meme, you could have spent that one dollar on so much more

The game works fine enough I guess but man, the F2P model does not work when you charge fucking $27 for a set of songs. Capitalizing on people who have gambling addictions (from the LL mobile games) is just ridiculous. The quest for a good Love Live game is still ongoing.

First exposure to the series and yeah, safe to say I'll be playing the others! I'd say it gets a teensy bit filler-y near the end and the occasional lag in the dream world is annoying, but really really solid game overall!

Improved upon a tiny bit with the Week 7 update, but gameplay is still shit and needs to be fixed and improved upon way more before adding new songs. The devs priorities are all in the wrong place. Just play a real rhythm game.