29 reviews liked by Nomil_8

A little bit worse than the first one, but still a great game

Made me shart my pantalons as a kid.

this game is what would happen if professor layton and rhythm heaven had a french baby, it is rad as hell. The OST bops hard and the rhythm minigames are good, albeit not as consistently great like rhythm heaven. The story is also really fun and there's actually a solid amount of animated cutscenes. The game just has a load of charm to it, which is unsurprising if you consider the devs for this pretty much being sonic devs. Absolutely worth a play, though I wouldn't recommend paying the ridiculous aftermarket prices. The game didn't have a large print run, I remember having to look got damn EVERYWHERE for this game back when it came out because nobody had it.

The game has balls in the title. Which means this game is very funny reddit humor 4chan twitter uh metacritic idk whatelse.

The first thing I did when I rescued Ashley was shoot her in the back of the head

what would you do if glover clapped yo girls ass at the club