Its the best sequel to a rpg that nobody fucking playd, making this somehow even less playd. Yet one of my favorite rpgs ever, the 100% improved sequel cozzy rpg that I keep coming back to every couple of years. I think this frankly a big shame litteraly nobody ever talks about it.

Clunky to get going and very noticable running on a tight Budget. Theres a million confusing rpg stats and I admit that I run on alot of nostalgia with this but I think this has some real qualitys once you get past the dry as shit tutorial area.

Im close to giving this 5 stars but I will conset thats its a kinda clunky action game, barely an rpg. The story is what makes this incredible and the writting consistantly goes further than most games even after the SNES. Shame on people who claim we didnt have good game storys in the early 90s. This one has some real gut punches.

It may be the best casual beat em up of all time. It certainly is the best Turtles game to date.

I wanna continue playing this series but holy shit by the forth time this game basicly hard presses the reset button and yet again bombs me with new tutorial windows for yet another new character that will move the plot barely an ince after 10 hours Im just done.

Im a defender of this game. Yes, the constantly blocking enemies can eat a dick and chasing Rikiya around every fucking Convient Store in Japan should be a CIA Torture method. Doesnt keep from loving the rest of the game. I have never seen a group of kids in game written so well and just the opening in Okinawa should be its own game honestly. Seriously underrated stuff

I have yet to play the original but I really like this remake on its own. The Story is great and I dont get why people rag on the dragon engine so much. I think it looks fucking goregous and the ragdolls in combat are hilarious.

Majima everywhere is fucking anyoing after a while and it does drop several things that made the original super special to me. I still like it as much as the original, if only for the fact that I can experience Yakuza 1 again without combat that makes me wanna pull my hair out.

Im a sucker for the bad english dub and the atmosphere. yes the gameplay doesnt hold up to any standard and is incredibly frustrating at times but I think it says something about a game if you pick it up on a hunch for 5 bugs and fall in love with it despite all the flaws.

A beast of a game and the entrie that got me fully into the series. Its honestly so good with both Story and Gameplay that if your gona only play one Yakuza game it should be this one and you wont even regret it.

Im gona be blunt: The story is absolute piss. What if we took out all the humor and subtlety, instead replaced it with just crassness and profanity. Ignore the ending of 2 where "She was dead, but it was ok". Nah Max didnt get over any griev, instead just became more of a alcoholic pig. Yes, this game looks incredible and plays super polished but its Rockstar: They have more money then some small countrys, it be really insulting if it didnt even have that.

Unpopular opinion: I find the gameplay the worst of the trilogy. The changed BT system makes you pretty unstoppable and it becomes fairly dull cause there is no challenge at all aside from the occasional physics object that instant kills you. Lucky for Remedy that the story is one of the best of all time and it delievers such a fantastic conclusion that Max Payne 2 could honestly be the definitiv end. If only they could it left that way.

Its almost a perfect first attempt at a Video Game. And contrary to popular believe: This isnt a quick save nightmare and if you actually play well using the bullet time to slow down and speedup the action, then you can blast through even the highest difficulty. Besides that the game has fantastic voice acting, a fun story and a killer atmosphere that still holds up.

Minus some of the growing pains that comes with making a brand new setting and characters this is still one of the best platformers on the PS2. Naughty Dog pushed the PS1 with Crash and they pushed the PS2 with Jak, on launch too. How shameful is it that every official rerelease from Sony can be best descriped as pure piss but a team of fans managd to make a flawless PC Port for free ?

The final edition of the game that introduced me to rougelikes. And I have been searching for something onpar ever since. I went through the love, I went through the hate but ultimatly I keep coming back to that damm basement even after 800+ hours.