Most freedom of choice out of any linear game period. Want to kill a boss early? Go for it! Want to where an alligator on your head and swim around scaring guards? Of course You do! This game for me is at a close tie with MGS2 it may be superior in gameplay but 2 will always have the best story.

I neeeed more reverse horror games like this playing as the monster is soooo fucking fun.

They got the original voice actors to reprise their roles and its so perfect. THIS is the true Ghostbusters 3.

This expansions ending takes the cake at #1 for me everything from the subtle in-jokes and references through dialog to the final question being if Geralt will finally settle down as he looks up at the camera for one last brief moment locking eyes with you the player and smiles. god its such a joyfully sad ending and fantastic conclusion to the Witcher game series.


an interesting take on "Walking sims" in this case swimming sim

They should have called this game Farcry 3.5 at least that's what it feels like to me the story is ok but they didn't change the gameplay at all from the 3rd game besides adding more weapons to use in the sandbox

This game is peak RARE material shame they will never be the same again...

My favourite chill out game soundtrack so catchy.

"This exists" the forever stain on the Metroid Franchise how could they turn our almost silent badass female protagonist into a whiny cry baby that follows orders from a man who clearly doesn't know what he's doing.

Fucked story aside the gameplay sadly isn't any better the Prime games already perfected this formula in 3D but this game flips it on its head and goes 3rd person and has some of the most janky controls to go with it.

Remember this the model used in both Smash bros U and ultimate is based off of the other M model shame on you Nintendo use Dread or even Primes models don't promote this title.

This is what you call the perfect remaster, doesn't change anything from how the game plays and you can change the graphics to the original with the press of a button fantastic.

Best Ubisoft title nuf said. FIGHT ME!


Its sad we will never see the Silent Hills come to light or will we?... (cries in the corner)

I would give this a higher score but 343i really need to work on the multiplayer functionality cant even play cross-play campaigns with a friend like are you kidding me lmao?

I my opinion this does a better job at remaking Metroid 2 than Nintendo's version, made by fans for fans for free it even launched on Metroid's anniversary! It was a shame when Nintendo shut it down on the same day, still was incredibly impressive to play.
Nintendo hire these people their talents are being wasted by your lawsuits.