This review will not be a 1 to 1 comparison between this and the original RE4 (outside of extreme gameplay changes) but my own stand alone opinion of the game itself and its own merits, RE4R is a lengthy dark and most importantly action orientated story taking Leon to Spain... yadda yadda you know the rest.

After my own S+ of professional difficulty i can safely say there's no lack of content for a mostly linear game the shear amount of possibilities through either making different weapon choices to bonus equipment makes it an near endless experience that should be played by anyone who gives a damn about the resident evil series.

It hard to talk about this game without bringing up the original at least once but truthfully its enough of a fresh experience that you can call them completely different and not be entirely wrong, everything from the map layouts to bonus areas such as the shooting range has changed in quite a drastic way now giving you a more tangible reward with charms that add various affect ranging from healing bonuses to upgrade discounts, the weapons in the remake themselves have also undergone their own changes mainly being damage and accuracy rebalances the fan favourite Red 9 is no longer the 1 weapon needed as its no far more inaccurate even with the stock making it a more situation choice for close to mid encounters.

i wont go into any spoilers with the story but if you've played the original its mostly the same outside of some better backstory explanations overlooked in the originals plots.

I'll conclude my review here if there's anything to take away from this review is that overall its a fun experience it may not be anything absolutely breath-taking but dang is it a wild ride till the end.

The game that revolutionised FPS games for consoles and is a staple in history that ill never forget I miss when games were just FUN no strings attached.

I played this at random after coming across it on the Xbox game pass. Its got a charming story and is very atmospheric honestly might be my favourite walking sim I've played yet.

"Have I ever told you, the definition of insanity"?
Its me replaying this game over 6 times because it really was that good and I had nothing else to play on my PS3 at the time.

My favourite chill out game soundtrack so catchy.

Childhood in the making right here this is the perfect lego game change my mind

My ALL time favourite Pokémon title Please don't taint it by making a remake Gamefreak I beg you.

They should have called this game Farcry 3.5 at least that's what it feels like to me the story is ok but they didn't change the gameplay at all from the 3rd game besides adding more weapons to use in the sandbox

I my opinion this does a better job at remaking Metroid 2 than Nintendo's version, made by fans for fans for free it even launched on Metroid's anniversary! It was a shame when Nintendo shut it down on the same day, still was incredibly impressive to play.
Nintendo hire these people their talents are being wasted by your lawsuits.

I would give this a higher score but 343i really need to work on the multiplayer functionality cant even play cross-play campaigns with a friend like are you kidding me lmao?

I neeeed more reverse horror games like this playing as the monster is soooo fucking fun.


Most freedom of choice out of any linear game period. Want to kill a boss early? Go for it! Want to where an alligator on your head and swim around scaring guards? Of course You do! This game for me is at a close tie with MGS2 it may be superior in gameplay but 2 will always have the best story.


Its sad we will never see the Silent Hills come to light or will we?... (cries in the corner)

Best Ubisoft title nuf said. FIGHT ME!