these super power stealth simulator games a re snoresville

Actually pretty darn creative and fun for NES game.

Wtf there's windows everywhere in this hou- spits out cereal

WIKTOBER 2023 Log #002 - Condemned 2: Bloodshot

The original condemned was always praised for its combat and atmosphere. Not necessarily it's story. The best parts about C1 story were never explained. This turns out to be a pretty big boon for the game because the devs actually did try for a story for 2, but it's utterly generic.

The game starts off especially in the combat department. Fantastic impact with lead pipes and planks of wood make you actually feel like you're there. In the slums. Stomping out a fellow homeless alcoholic. As the stakes raise more guns are added and the combat quality drops significantly.

Not that the story was ever much to write home about, but it attempts to add gravity and seriousness while being completely fucking insane. Why did that bear get so aggressive? It was the strongest fictional bear of all time. What was with the magician guy? Why did he do anything of what he did?

TL;DR: There are some things going for C2, but too much against it to recommend. Just play the first half. Really the only redeeming quality of the second half is the ending when the black operative gives you a "you aight, white boy."

One of the most thoughtful and inspiring games ever made.

A good game. But you're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna play 20+ hours of it

I have played this game and it is good.

WIKTOBER 2023 Log #001 - Stasis: BONE TOTEM
I am so fucking down with this game its unreal.
As far as point and click games go its good, great even. The gimmick is having a three person party where you can swap control over any member at any time, as well as sharing each item between each member. The puzzles themselves are pretty reasonable, especially compared to other adventure games. Things generally make sense and if you read PDA's/logs, and the flavor text each character has for any particular item, then you won't get stuck often. So mechanically the game is solid. But the story, setting, and characters are what elevate it.
This is peak sci-fi horror. The only thing that comes to mind that tops it is Soma, and that's saying a lot. The actual timeline of events is confusing as hell, but thankfully the side characters, all equally interesting to listen to, fill in the gaps.
The dynamic between the three playable characters is great. Husband, wife, and their deceased daughter's animatronic AI teddy bear make a great combo.
Oh yeah, Moses. I could write this whole review on how much I love Moses. He is the cleverest little bear. The relationship between him and one of the side characters that show up is actually very touching. Then there's Calaban. Who/what he is is kind of a spoiler, but what I can say is that he's an aggravating little cunt in the best way possible.
Bone Totem is another entry in the nuthutcore genre and holy shit does it come out swinging. Can't wait to see what this studio produces next.

My Moses. My sweet Moses.

I have mixed feelings on this game. The biggest issue with this game is the fact it overstays its welcome. Which applies to the skill leveling system, as well as the room exploration - both of these being the primary gameplay elements. This is absolutely a game you will have to brief the wiki on. Learning the recipes by experimentation is probably fun, but it will extend a 40+ hour game to an 80+ hour game.

The writing, while beautiful, is so convoluted you'll most certainly also have to use the wiki to find out who the fuck "Hours" are. And holy fuck the soul card progression. Yes, it's completely possible to assign the wrong skills to soul cards and soft-lock your ability to upgrade your soul cards.

There's a great game here. But it's in dire need of some trimming of the fat. Or at least some reduced requirements to unlock rooms. Or at least a fast travel button to go back to town. Why would you not add that if you go to town multiple times a day every day?

This game is addictive when you get your groove. Its immersive and you feel like you're actually an occult librarian sorting through forgotten tomes. But it grinds to a painful crawl in the mid-late game. Maybe one day I'll come back and finish. Maybe one day I'll unlock all the rooms. But unfortunately, for now, much like this review: tl;dr

this is a fun game but I violated my probation by being within 100 yards of miners

"-instead you'lld be solving puzzles along the way"
>actually has zero puzzles

Minigames were passable, art ranges from great to passable. Story was...kinda mediocre. Really the core issue is that the runtime was double what it could support.
Probably the best selling point was the creepy imagery. Especially the gargantuan glutton beast thing. So creepy! Makes my skin crawl.
stares at the camera

why did i do that
why did i do any of that