In my head it's an 8, but in my heart it's a 9.

Very much a sequel by the numbers. Felt like Ubisoft applied their generic design doc after the success of the first game, which means it loses a lot of focus and charm.

Enjoyable enough but just padded out with the usual meaningless side quests/missions where you get weapon skins and Rabbids lore... Wouldn't be rushing to recommend this.

Fun morning routine with a new competitive mode keeping me coming back.

Easily a top 3 Final Fantasy game for me. The design, story and VO work are all incredible! The gambit and job system work brilliantly together without overwhelming you. They are there to engage with as little or as much as you like.

Definitely still feels this is an underappreciated entry in the series but it's absolutely worth your time. With the added features I managed to reach the end just over 31 hours.

Very mediocre action RPG. Obviously it draws many comparisons to the Souls games, but it does try it's on take on things with mixed success.

Definitely not as bad as some of the other reviews make out. It's fine, with okay graphics and design, acceptable story and passable combat. I picked it up for £3 in a sale so definitely worth grabbing for that price.

Definitely not my favourite in the series. The story wasn't particularly cohesive, and large parts were just explained away with fairly wild revelations.

People often talk about the junction system, which is fun to break but also incredible admin heavy and once I found a good setup, I rarely changed it up.

I'm glad I've seen this cult favourite FF through to the end, but I definitely won't be joining the fan club.

Every time my wife walked in the room she would say "you still just being chased by rats?" which I think sums it up nicely.

Great world, characters and compelling stories. Music adds to the relatively chilled vibes as well and just a nice, cosy narrative RPG. Managing your characters health and actions adds to the whole experience. Really have to strategise what your do each day to make the most of it. Good game!

Weapons make big numbers and makes me feel good. Great game

Too much talking, not enough God killing! Honestly felt like they could have cut 10 hours out of this and it would have been just as impactful. A great game, not a brilliant one.

Great boss design, music and fights. Perfect accompaniment to a delicious main course.

Excellent card battler. There is no one meta or card to follow owing to each match being randomised with board modifiers. What works brilliantly in one match could be a struggle in the next. Plenty of tactics and deck make ups to keep things interesting as well with satisfying upgrades and generous unlocks. The micro transactions aren't intrusive and the daily challenges make the short bursts each day more enjoyable. Definitely one of the best free to play games out there and worth a go, even if just for the free tutorial season pass.

Wasn't a big fan of the setting or most of the characters in this outing, but it's one of the best in terms of the formula they've been trying to better each game. The choices you make build a personality for each character, and seeing that then play out later in the game in unexpected ways was really cool. You can still sometimes see the cogs turning in the background, but it's easily the best and most interesting version of this series.

Another interesting game you can get with your Netflix subscription. Lovely art style and surprisingly heartfelt story to go with it. The battles are centered around basically playing dodgeball against a series of enemies. Each one is like small puzzle boxes where you soon learn the best way to deflect shots and keep the upper hand.

I'm not convinced the roguelike elements worked that well. While you get better abilities etc, the opening chapters start to feel like a real drag if you end up back at the beginning. Still, worth a go if you already have Netflix!