219 Reviews liked by Odintheprole

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"war never changes"

my first time playing this, and my first fallout game. i am so happy i decided to play this, by far my favorite game of all time. yes it has a lot of game breaking bugs that can fuck up your playthrough, your save files can get corrupted out of no where, your game will crash at least 4 times whilst playing, your companions will get stuck or become invisible whilst your fighting some deathclaws in quarry junction, the ncr will randomly deem you a terrorist and unleash their entire arsenal onto you, but fuck is this game a 10/10 masterpiece. a plot filled with twists and turns, from the main quest to the many side quests dotted around the map, and so many choices. the 4 main factions you have a choice to ally with are: the ncr, the main faction in the game, the top dogs of the mojave and practically outnumber everybody in the wasteland. the legion, a group of slavers, psychopaths who ravage, rpe and murder their way through the mojave wasteland, but are not like any other of the smaller clans/groups in new vegas, they somehow manage to push the ncr back into their own territory and gain control over the towns and outposts the ncr have control other, these are the bad guys and have arguably the worst ending you can get. mr house, a greedy, partially immortal sack of shit who wants to control the strip and hoover dam, all the while he taxes the citizens of new vegas and uses his army of securitrons to enforce law and order inside of the strip. his tyranny would cost the future of new vegas and force the people of outer vegas to leave and make refuge somewhere in the wasteland, he also doesn't care about anybody or anything unless it revolves around his master plan, if the courier didn't have the platinum chip, mr house would of never ordered victor to save him and lead him to the strip. he's the guy you go to if you hate the ncr and the legion, and the final one, yes-man. the cheerful securitron owned by benny and programmed by one of the followers, he is the choice you go with if you hate all of the above and want to rule new vegas for yourself. by far my favorite character in the game, not complex or much backstory behind him, he's just a overly happy robot who lets you control vegas to your hearts content. there is nothing to hate about him, he's the most comfortable choice you can side with by a country mile. all 4 of those choices are for the main quest which is crazy, but with each of the factions comes the side quests and encounters you can have. like if you work with the ncr too much the you won't be able to work with the legion and vice versa, if you kill mr house and work with yes man the legion AND the ncr won't accept you, which leads to difficult choices at times. if your wanting to not bother with side stuff all that much, go with yes man, on the other hand if you want to do side quests i would say go with the ncr, baring in mind they control more territory and have more people with them, your companions won't ditch you if you work with the ncr either so that's a bonus. whether that's helping corporal betsy at camp mccarran with her scars, which she got by getting rped by cook-cook, one of the fiends leaders, or clearing out legion soldiers at nelson. the ncr gives the most quests but definitely not the most freedom, you do 2 or 3 jobs for yes-man or mr house, they won't accept your services anymore or will outright deem you a terrorist and attack you on site. yes-man gives the most freedom because he doesn't mind which side you pick, the legion or ncr. this review is getting quite long so if you want a really good retrospective/review on new vegas i would go watch SuperRAD's complete retrospective on it, it's 7 hours long but a great watch.

This is easily the best fallout game and a really good RPG in general. The worldbuilding is great and locations just look like they make sense for a post apocalyptic game unlike fallout 3 where they built a town around a undetonated bomb. This game allows you to play whatever way you want and tackle situations in multiple ways, the final conflict can be resolved through speech checks. Even your character has an actual past to him which you can learn more about if you so please. Why the hell did it take me years to actually play through this game.

Such a perfect combination of setting/aesthetic for an RPG. This is a vague memory but I recall starting this game with a buddy and being hooked from the pinstriped suit man shooting you in the face. I went to the bathroom and when i returned, he had killed the guy we were supposed to protect in town and some of the other NPC's causing the whole town to hate us. I left and then was gunned down hours later by the the new california republic or whatever it was called. I remember thinking of how insane the game was for even allowing that but loved it.

- Map design/exploração impecável
- Boss fights muito boas
- Combate excelente
- Variedade de itens, armaduras, armas e magias
- Mecânica de navegar entre dimensões muito legal

- Algumas poucas boss fights ruins
- Reciclagem imensa de inimigos
- Muitos chefes que viram inimigos comuns durante o jogo inteiro
- O jogo te vence no cansaço largando grandes quantidades de inimigos ao mesmo tempo

Being a Miyazaki's Souls game already make it better than 90% of games out there, i want to make that clear, but i got some problems with it:

I think the open world adds nothing good to the souls formula, sure, we finally have a open world game with top-tier level design castles and dungeons, but souls-games already had that. On the other hand i think that being open world actually hurts some aspect of the souls experience, like NPC Quests, which were already weird and messy on normal souls, but now it's just impossible to keep track or discover it by yourself. Another thing hurt in my opinion is NG+ (a big part of souls-games)
NG+ and FromSoftware style of NPC Quests are not designed for a 150h game, it's way too much. Being totally honest after a reaching like 90~100 hours of gameplay i stop caring about the game and just wanted to rush everything to end it, i was tired/bored of the game. That have never happen to me on any other Miyazaki's game.

Another thing that puzzle me is what the heck was George Martin doing in this game? Cause the story is the same thing Miyazaki is being doing for 14 years... The lore is almost the same if we change Great Runes by Lord Souls.

Also some open world areas like Montaintops, Nokron or Deeproot runs like sht on PS4, literally a power point presentation, the worst performance i have seen on PS4 so far, it's like Dark Souls Blighttown on PS3 again.

The good of the game?
The main legacy location (Stormveil, Raya Lucaria, The Capital, etc) are excellent, on the top of FromSoftware level. I think a shorter game with just those would have being better.
Bosses are ok, but there's a lot of repetition, tho. They got to fill those open world areas with something.
Lot of magics if that's your play style.
Last boss looks cool, but is a horrible fight, it's a "run and try to catch me" game more than a fight.

So, what i'm saying is: It's a good game, but compared to all previous FromSoftware Souls-game i have played (DS1, BB, Sekiro & DS3) it's my least favorite. This is Dark Souls 3 but stretched and diluted on a open world map.

The little (big) engine that could. It's been said but it bears repeating; this game eats the Call of Duty formula, chews its up, and spits out what that entire franchise could only dream of being. What Respawn does here is insane because it is aware of the surface level comparisons that would inevitably be made and actively subverts every one of the typical tropes found in those games- the corny camaraderie and cringe-worthy banter, the swelling booms and sweeping heroism of the soundtrack, the banal linearity of the level design and bacon crisp gunplay. It's all here sure, but Respawn injects gorgeous attention to detail into the visual atmosphere, boundless creativity in each and every level of its five-six hour campaign, propulsive pacing that pushes this roller-coaster narrative, brutally diverse mech combat, and most importantly, a warm earnestness that permeates every facet of its creation. The game balances a serene and almost ethereal natural landscape with a heavily industrial aesthetic that wouldn't be far off from a James Cameron film. And such as the likes of Aliens and Judgement Day, Titanfall II is as much a story about surfacing imperialist forces weaponizing extraterrestrial technology for further bloodshed as it is a tale of ardent brotherhood; no matter how artificial the links between them are. The first half introduces a couple outlandish gameplay mechanics and gimmicks that keeps things consistently fresh as the relationship between BT and Cooper builds but it's the barreling second half where the weight of cosmic stakes take both literal and metaphorical flight. Cumulatively, it never skips a beat and is just constantly satisfying. It remains silly enough to have fun and not take it too seriously but I won't lie when I say some parts gave me flutters in my heart from the utter immensity of the spectacle (shit looks amazing for 2016 and runs like a dream) and the handling of the dynamic between the two protagonists. For something that was so prone to failure at launch, I was pleasantly surprised by how much returning to this bolstered my previous playthrough and will probably continue to stand the test of time from here on out. Simply put, the apex of blockbuster gaming.

When playing other video games, you can feel competing interests at play in how the final product was designed and implemented. Fun. Profitability. Mass-appeal. Accessibility. Franchise potential. Maximizing playable hours. DLC opportunities. You name it. Compromises are essential to modern video game development.

When playing Titanfall 2, you get a very convincing sense that nobody considered those interests. No compromises were made. The game has a singular goal, and every element of it satisfies a single question:

"Does it fuck?"

The goal was achieved. This game fucks. Trust me.

I played about 12 hours of this and then went back and installed Oblivion again.

Oblivion fuckin rocks dude

I recall saying "I can't do this anymore" to my screen and then uninstalling after 5 hours of gameplay.

the one thing Bethesda had going for it was their near seamless little handcrafted diorama worlds, so naturally they decided to replace that with loading screen gated proc-gen. Apparently you're supposed to play the main quest first so I tried that but I nearly puked when I was asked to weigh in on a debate over "science, or dreams"

My mom asked if the dishes were done and I yelled "BETHESDA!"

She hugged me. She knew they were washed.

It's ironic that a game with intergalactic space travel and so many different planets feels so bland to explore. Bethesda's philosophy to game design has always been "size matters" and Starfield feels like the natural evolution of that approach.

However, by having so many planets, moons, even galaxies to explore ... everything feels bland. We all know deep down that no developer could ever create entire galaxies of content. And honestly, nobody would even want that, because even if it sounds cool, after a while you would realize that it gets tiring to play the very same game over hundreds of hours because the mechanics simply can't carry such a massive experience.

Thanks to the amount and the resulting emptiness of these planets I ended up wanting to explore none of them. I occasionally tried to wander around aimlessly, looking for markers on my map and usually just ended up in samey caves and outposts that provided nothing of interest. It was "content" in the strictest sense but it wasn't worthwhile or meaningful. It was just there to make the game bigger.

A good game, as far as I'm concerned, leads the player to where the good content is. Starfield does this by randomly putting quests into your log (seemingly by your character hear about rumors NPCs talk about) and while that is definitely an option that does work, it also makes it feel like you're just working off a list.

Maybe that's a matter of preference, but if I reach a new location in an RPG I want to talk to NPCs, gather information, stumble upon interesting places and actively look for the quests. In Starfield it feels like you're running around and your questlog gets filled automatically while you're doing something else. It's the Ubisoft design of doing content. Nothing needs to be explored, everything is on your map or your questlog. Now choose something and do it, damn it!

And it feels wrong to me. My questlog was filled with stuff like "talk to person X", talk to person Y", "apply for random job", "go there" and without context I simply did not know what I should even go for. Sometimes I ended up randomly following a marker to a quest and it ended up being something that my character that I had in my mind wouldn't even be interested in. But since he put it in his questlog, he obviously is somehow.

There are some quests in this game that I liked. Most of them don't really offer the interesting decision making of something like Fallout: New Vegas, but you can choose to be an asshole or a helpful citizen and I particularly enjoyed the lengthy storyline of Ryujin industries, full of industry spionage and betrayal. It wasn't interesting in terms of gameplay, but it lead to some cool choices at least. Though I imagine the end result will still look fairly similar in every case.

The gameplay is basically Fallout, but more boring. Instead of having the cool V.A.T.S. system you have nothing interesting to do. There are tons of weapons and also grenades, mines and drugs to use but combat encounters boil down to simply shooting people without really having the character use specific abilities or really any decision making. The skill tree mostly offers percentual boosts to your weapons and nothing really stood out to me that made combat interesting. There is one thing you unlock fairly late in the game, that feels like the equivalent of Skyrim screams, but these also did not seem very interesting to use.

It also has the typical hacking, lockpicking, pickpocketing, sneaking ... It does nothing new in that regard. The only real thing this introduces to Bethesda RPGs are the spaceships. However, these can mostly be ignored, since your ship isn't really meant to be used for flying from planet to planet, but mostly just as a way to make quick travel more tedious, since you always have to enter your cockpit before jumping to the next galaxy. The actual fights in space are something I always tried to avoid, since they simply aren't fun to do, but they're there and I suppose it could be fun for some people to upgrade and customize there ships. I certainly didn't need it. I also never bothered to create and outposts since it was simply not something I ever found use for.

The main storyline was there. Really, I could not care less about it. I liked how they handled New Game + in regards to the story, but I was never invested, did not care for the characters and it all lead to a generic conclusion that offers nothing of value. You might as well not do the main story, but you'd miss out on the powers you unlock at some point, so at least play to that point.

In conclusion, I think this game simply caters to a specific type of audience. People who enjoy spending a lot of time in one game, gathering materials and money, building bases and spaceships and have constant progression and tons of quests will probably be happy with this. It does offer a lot. It's a gigantic game and even though I put about 40 hours into it, it still feels like I only scratched the surface. But people who want their RPGs to have some deeper mechanics, quests with interesting choices and less bloat will probably end up like me and leave the experience unimpressed.

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In short, the video game equivalent of a prosaic sports coach's platitude laden pep talk prior their team getting steamrolled.

You'd be forgiven for going into Starfield expecting an ambitious game. All the marketing spoke of exploration and wonder on the edge of space, of Bethesda's biggest ever game, and of harnessing the spirit of early human space exploration. Everyone wanted us to believe this was a massive undertaking, something new for Bethesda after a quarter century of middling fantasy and a purchased IP.

Starfield is none of that, however, choosing instead to cling so tightly to the vine the game was grown on that the only result is rot.

At its core Starfield is the cynical combination of Fallout's mechanics teetering on top of Skyrim's narrative structure. The amalgamation presents itself as if a checklist of features from those games was simply devised in a conference room and worked through with little else in the way of thought.

Combat and exploration behaves almost identically to Fallout, with the added wrinkle of RPG-esque aim sway on all the weapons for the purpose of annoying, but rarely hindering, players who have not put points into combat categories.

Like Fallout, melee weapons are useless, no matter how heavily the character is built for them. All but the weakest enemies in all but the smallest groups will chunk away enough health to send even committed players ducking for cover and resorting to ranged weapons - if the lack of variety in a game 5+ years in the making doesn't see them simply falling back to whatever is easiest first.

Stealth in melee range is similarly broken to its predecessor, becoming mostly useless thanks to a game design that does not support that type of play. Even the game's seemingly powerful cloaking armor is fairly useless, having no appreciable impact on whether or not an enemy detects the player. At a distance stealth remains the most powerful option in the game, with the only reason to forgo attempting a sneaky approach being general apathy or impatience on the part of the player.

The weapons even fall into the same categories as Fallout, with a couple of weapon types forced to the forefront due to a lack of ammo for the others. Starfield even replicates the uselessness of automatic weaponry in its immediate gameplay predecessor, with the prospect of chewing through your entire supply of ammunition impotently plinking away at enemy health bars feeling vastly inferior to high damage single shot weapons with stealth bonuses. Dumping 50+ shots into a guy when you could take him out in 2-3 has never been less appealing a decade on.

Insofar as there are any changes to the systems designed for Fallout 4, the changes presented are mostly aesthetic or simply outright bad.

The digipicking mini game at least replaces lock picking and hacking mini games with something more engaging, although replacing both with the same thing all but guarantees it will become a loathed element of this game in time.

The changes to how Persuasion works in conversations, however, are a significant downgrade. An impressive feat considering the process in previous Bethesda titles, or adjacent games like Fallout New Vegas, varied from straight skill check to invisible dice roll. The brainless back and forth, often involving NPCs responding to head scratching player options with equally nonsensical generic voice lines, not only makes the process more tedious, but also succeeds at somehow making talking your way into and out of ridiculous situations even more absurd and unbelievable than in past games; it is hard to take the feature seriously when it almost always involves the other party in the conversation turning into an absolute fool, easily fleeced by the rhetorical equivalent of "got your nose".

At least the days of a single skill check or dice roll let me imagine a more complex conversation occurred, instead of asserting that no, in fact, a pair of absolute goobers engaged in a madlibs skit instead.

The most disappointing mechanical failure comes in the form of the game's building system, something so stripped bare and thoroughly neutered it's a shock Bethesda touted it as a selling point at all. A true achievement considering Fallout 4 settlement building was notoriously ropey and under designed. Even Fallout 76's building offers more variation and interest than Starfield, a game that's willing to charge you 235,000 in game credits for a space so small that it makes the notoriously tiny Dugout player home from Fallout 4 seem palatial in comparison.

It's rather absurd a system vital to the longevity of the studio's previous big release is so functionally inert here. Building options are so few, and limitations so strict, one wonders if even the actually ambitious elements of Bethesda's modding community will attempt to construct something fun, or even less profoundly annoying to engage with, than the desiccated corpse of a concept Bethesda kicked out the door as if attempting to kill desire for it in their player base.

Still more elements are downgrades by way of simplification. Character creation is an unwieldy system of morph target mixing that actually makes constructing a character harder, while aiming for simplification. The UI is simplified to the point of the user experience suffering as a result of its consistent vagueness. Gone are the actual RPG inventory and equipment systems of previous Bethesda games, replaced by a gear spread more resembling the original Mass Effect with all of the players stats tied into a single armor element and a helmet.

Perhaps I'd care more if anyone but the people working on assets for Starfield cared, or the simplification afforded more variance and customization of what is available, but the simmering disappointment in the systemic simplicity of the game faded to apathy when the "grounded" sci-fi world of Starfield handed me a soviet era special forces rifle (a VSS) named "Old World Hunting Rifle" without any sign of irony. Why care about the gear in this game when the game clearly does not?

A good deal of new mechanics seem relatively pointless, or at least under cooked. The zero gravity combat works well enough in the exceedingly rare instances where it appears. The jump pack adds some minor verticality to the combat, but is held back by being bound up in the skill tree and thus relegated to a design afterthought. The same questionable player hitboxes that have made climbing through windows or over any object in an interior space a near impossibility in past Bethesda games render the boost pack mostly useless indoors. It's all well and good a boosted jump can propel a player up to the second story of an outpost atrium, but relatively pointless when they can't fit through the gap between the railing and the ceiling to take advantage of it.

Similarly, the bare-bones bounty system in the game offers little meaningful gameplay outside of make work missions for pitiful amounts of money. Ship combat is shallow to the point of being boring. The contraband system is more an invitation to rote circumvention than meaningful play vector. The vast procedurally generated planets are full of a handful of repeating plants and features, offering little worthwhile interaction.

Although I did get a laugh when I exited a cave that had literally nothing in it to find a man pointing a shotgun at me a screaming about me stealing his claim before turning to fire a mining laser at a worthless rock without another ship or structure anywhere else on the planet.

More importantly though, all of these gestures at systems that don't actually exist feel like things that should be the core of this game's gameplay loop. Excluding the poor balancing of weapons, one can see a world where the limited alteration of systems inherited from previous games was paired with a new layer of interactive elements in the world. More things to do, more ways to roleplay, more customization, and deeper interaction.

Instead, seemingly no work was done here beyond the game's physical structure, which in and of itself resembles more a series of soulless boxes for players to move through, void attempting to be artifice disguising a game that, for its vast footprint, feels smaller and less cared for than any Bethesda game before it.

If Starfield is Fallout with slightly less salt on the mechanic side, on the narrative and world building side it's simply a retread of Skyrim. Two factions, the United Colonies (Imperials) and the Freestar Collective (Nords) coexist in constant tension, though without the impending civil war here. The player, a third party working with a group of independent actors, must collect space powers, one of which - yes - is literally just Skyrim's Fus Roh Dah, as they mediate the relationship between these two factions and the appearance of a third, the Starborn (Dragons).

Most areas lack the strong narrative threads crafted by Fallout 4's focus on more compact spaces, instead favoring Skyrim's loose generalized quest hub approach for cities and towns. The result is spaces with little in the way of tangible identity, never really managing to build a coherent sense of place as strong as the likes of Diamond City or Goodneighbor.

Even beyond that the writing and world building continue to struggle. Absent the well crafted underpinnings vital to the Fallout franchise, which Bethesda had no hand in constructing, Starfield's world presents a profoundly dim view of the future. As it lacks ambition elsewhere, so it lacks it here, not only incapable of constructing a believable post Earth humanity, but incapable of imagining it as being any different than our current times.

Obsidian can take heart that they're not worst of the people making "RPGs" in this vein when it comes to understanding the breadth of even our current political landscape or imagining alternatives. At least The Outer Worlds imagines corporations and the ultra rich as forces for abject harm wont to do it in absence of people resisting it, even as it constructs nonsensical versions of the real world opposition to the forces of capital in service of mealy mouth liberal status quo supporting bullshit.

Sure, they might have failed to come up with a reason for not siding with a communist faction in its game and deployed its only likeable protagonist to guilt the player into not siding with them; but Starfield sincerely trots out the "this corporation is like a family to me" bullshit used to guilt workers into accepting abuse, then heaps an out of character agreement from an otherwise compassionate companion (Andreja) on top, AND forcibly dictates the final word on the matter like my character - raised in the poverty being discussed - is somehow in the wrong for believing complicity in its existence to be a fundamental abortion of morality.

I, personally, would rather they'd given me no option to challenge the characters on the abusive practices of their massive corporation than have the game tell me, essentially, "well yes, they're abusing people, but it's justified because that abuse lets them take care of their 'family' and they pay slightly better". I'm generally happy to welcome characters, even ones with putrid worldviews, expressing those and disagreeing with mine in games. But if the end point of allowing this type of ideological expression is to shut it down when it becomes inconvenient, then there's no point in allowing that deep an ideological expression in the first place. I'd much rather this suit simply dismiss me out of hand without a second thought, than acquiesce to the argument and get bailed out by the invisible hand of the writer when the rhetorical limits of said writer's viewpoint are found.

This general inability to not only engage seriously with the real world concepts its building on, but to even recognize the world today in the breadth of its complexity as it projects it hundreds of years into the future is pervasive in Starfield. There is no deeper meaning to its use of aesthetics, no broader themes, no commentary deeper than a mall fountain.

The result is a game devoid of worthwhile world building, or really any meaningful intrigue. Beyond injecting nonsensical political assertions into loaded topics, and the regular appearance of completely incoherent quest lines, there seems to just be an utter lack of understanding of what elements in our real world inspire the stories from which the game's narrative draws its reference. No deeper thought, no attempt to build upon, just copy paste, find and replace.

Sure, there was a war between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, but that's in the past and no one really ever stops to explain why it even happened. Now there's really nothing going on. They're all too busy fighting generic space outlaws and the occasional bandit to butt heads with each other. Sure there's a big faction of mysterious religious people, better bake them into an unseen corner of the galaxy. Yeah we got pirates, but why would we interface with or tell stories about them beyond the pirate part?

It's a world where actually the corrupt cops are also a path out of extreme poverty for a bunch of gang members, presented unironically as a good thing. A world where an entire city's identity is boiled down to "we built some big walls to keep the mean space dogs out". A world where the billionaire is still a good guy, and corporations can be a family, even as they exploit the player and literally build towering monuments to their wealth over top of the poor in two of the three major cities in the game. Something the game recognizes but refuses to comment on, either for or against. A world where attitudes towards drugs and the homeless are no different from our own time, even in the place where people are purported to care more because they're willing to engage in clearly ineffectual charity.

It is a ponderous chunk of incoherent words, unable to navigate its way past the inherent lack of paths forward that don't conflict with its own assertion humanity's status quo will, and should, simply exist in perpetuity. A narrative that could have been saved by constructing literally any view of humanity, dystopian or utopian, outwardly progressive or virulently fascist, that isn't the vapid combination of corporate mush and stark inequality, but refuses.

Even the most cynical writers rarely manage a less ambitious view of the future than Starfield, especially in the world of science fiction, but in a way that's fitting here. In a game that's wholly unwilling to be anything more than the simple interface of an existing set of mechanics with an existing narrative, Starfield should be this profoundly devoid of broader thought about the human race.

At least its aggressive clinging to the aesthetics of a bygone golden age looks pretty, even if it makes me think about how much better the Fallout games - even the ones from Bethesda - are at utilizing the same type of aesthetic as more than just eye candy.

Bethesda had a lot to live up with this thanks to it being a while since a completely brand new game in the vein of Elder Scrolls/Fallout and longer since a big new IP. Did they succeed?

Yes and no. Basically if you dont like Bethesda games already, this isnt going to win you over. NPCs are still awkward, the AI isnt the best, the game has quite a fair amount of random bugs and issues everywhere and the main story falls flat and doesnt add a ton.

Where this absolutely succeeds however and is part of the reason I have been losing hour after hour without realising it is the scope of the game. One issue ive usually had with Bethesda's games is it often goes 'Ah! Heres the big city!' and its just ten people and a dog.

Not the case here. Cities feel ALIVE, they feel big, open, bustling and full of details, hidden spots, curios and clutter. Not just that but the entire element of space exploration, basically Bethesda 'borrowing' elements of No Mans Sky wholesale work very well. It all leads to an absolute timesink of a game as you chase quests, fetch things, kill pirates and talk people down... all while also being an absolute kleptomaniac and stealing anything that isnt nailed down.

Its honestly a joy to play and feels right at home with Elder Scrolls and Fallout... I do wish the storylines and characters were tighter but otherwise? A lot of fun.