Wonderful story, worldbuilding, and exploration held back by boring and uninspiring gameplay. Additionally, the final act drags on for far too long. I just wanted it to be over by the time I got the airship.

The BEST Stellaris DLC since Utopia. Bar NONE. Well worth the price of admission and it has rekindled my hope for the future of the game after the last 2 disappointing DLCS.

Bonus points: I get to roleplay as the Advent faction from Sins of a Solar empire now. SPIRITUALIST CYBERNETICS LFG

My original review I said "everything this game does DiRT Rally did better"

I rescind that review. The only thing this game lacks that DiRT Rally doesn't is a proper offline career mode. (always online single player game is obnoxious)

I LOVED this game... But unfortunately it did nothing to try to innovate/improve on the formula of JSR/JSR:F and it felt like a game that was hamstrung by copycatting rather than attempting to stand out on it's own. The movement began to feel really slow about midway through and as fun as the tricks were to pull off the fact that there was really no incentive to do a ton of tricks nor were there a great variety of them it all began to feel very stale very fast. I got about 80% of the way done and I may come back in the future but this is where I am leaving it.

I bounced HARD off this one. After putting 20 or so hours into DiRT Rally I thought it would behoove me to jump into it's sequel guns blazing. Thankfully with steam family share I could borrow my friends copy without taking the financial hit (and I missed the recent sale). 5 hours later... I have nothing to say about this game that doesn't boil down to "DiRT Rally did that better."

It isn't horrible but it is very much a game that goes for style over substance. The graphics are filled to the brim with 2010 era vasoline screen and lens flares with an aesthetic that goes for more "wow factor" than realism. The physics are a bit too easy for me and the fact that within the first few hours the game gives you 30 minutes of lectures I found myself just wanting to go play DiRT Rally over and over again. It still has heart.

Really clean and authentic driving experience that is hamstrung by a career mode that progresses at a snails pace. I have done the same handful of maps probably 2 dozen times each at this point and I am finally getting to the point where I can unlock more races and more of the expensive tier of car. The whole introduction to the game is a learning experience for sure. I think that the game could do a lot better in terms of interactive tutorials, a small free roam map that players can test drive cars and car setups, and a more interactive crowd system like the old school rally games had. The game is completely saved by the driving physics, co-driver calls, and the 3 different rally race types that offer plenty of variety.

As somebody who is a freak for card games this is such a good steam deck/time sink roguelite Poker game. There is a ton of replayability and I love the idea of collecting Jokers and Tarot cards :)

This is the best co-op shooter I have played since Left 4 Dead 2. Once server issues are fixed it's gonna be a legendary long term title.

Hooray! I finally beat the base game and get to start playing the DLC maps :)

This was the worst possible way to start that experience. The 1st map of this DLC is not too terrible. Nothing excessively special and I like the ice mechanics of the DLC. However, when you get to the second map the entire DLC just falls apart and turns into a needless grind through some of the most godawful terrain with some of the most godawful missions I have yet played in this game. You'll be hauling oversized cargo through a literal forest and through tight gaps that are impossible to avoid without doing special maneuvers through steep hills and dreadful ice slides. The whole game up to this point has trained players to look for alternative routes to complete missions. But with Imandra (the second map) there are no real alternate routes. You have 2 ways of crossing the main lake in the center of the map and both of them are absolutely godawful. Every mission in this map will require you to frustratingly sludge your way through the most absurd obstacle courses known to man. I swear the Devs of this map wanted to force players to stop playing their game!

The good part of this DLC are the new vehicles they added. The Ford is a great truck to have in your arsenal as a refuel/repair all purpose scout car and the new offroad truck is a nice bite sized hauler.

Fundamentally this game is a blend between GTA and Brawler games like Arkham Asylum. It is nothing particularly amazing but I found myself enjoying it far more than GTA's single player and it is a much tighter package overall. The melee combat does a lot to add depth to the gameplay but it remains a surface level experience. It is not bad by any means and totally worth a playthrough.

This is hands down the best community made mod I have ever played for Half Life 2. The writing, while a bit rough around the edges at times, is immaculate and the aesthetic fits so well within the Half Life Universe unlike so many other community made half life expansions. Breadman and the team killed it with this one

Very snappy, clean, and quick game of 4x strategy. Absolutely nails the balance between complexity and pick up and play especially as all players have a reason to keep playing past major defeats! Battling for last is usually just as fun as the fight for first.

Don't get me wrong Tropico 6 is a good title for people who are new to the series and standalone it is a decent Tycoon game. Nothing to really write home about but still good.

However, coming from a huge fan of the series Tropico 6 just does not capture the same aesthetic, game-play loop, and overall goofy factor that Tropico 3 & 4 offer. If you are coming from Tropico 4 I recommend holding off on your purchase and waiting for a prospective Tropico 7.

To give a quick rundown of things I dislike

- Very few ways to have a successful Island. You are almost always forced down 2-3 paths of economy and it really encourages you to min max your economy to be successful.

- The new politics system is garbage imo. The faction demands feel like they were pulled out of a 3rd graders understanding of Latin American politics and some of the factions make very little sense for the era the game is set in. I mean really? You guys are putting liberal vs conservative dynamics in a game about the caribbean? Where half the elections are between socialists, liberals, US backed fascists, and very very very few neocons? It is nonsensical.

- The era system is too large in scope. I would prefer a game that focused on cold war and then into the modern era in order to keep things focused and keep the aesthetics in line across the entire game.

- The aesthetic is all over the place between eras and it really ruins the whole caribbean vibe. The series has always focused on a faux central America vibe in the 1950s onward. You go immediatly from colonizers in the 1700s to 1917 then jump again to WW2 then jump again to the Cold war.

- Some of the systems in the game are OP. Raids are far too easy to min/max.

Finally, the only thing I really enjoy in this title over 4 is the ability to sign trade deals that affect relations between superpowers and can also give you bonus money for exporting goods. This system is better than Tropico 4's notifications system where you would just get 5k for promising to complete a trade deal.

Can be fun with friends... Otherwise only a select few people will be able to play this through until the end.