This really just feels like a tech demo/proof of concept. I am very glad the devs went on to make a sequel

This is my go to chill out and relax game. Awesome trucks, great landscapes, and very fun modding scene. It is held back slightly in the physics department and could use a bit more depth in the truck's engine mechanics but it is still an A tier title.

Worse than 2 in some areas but very clearly the peak of the franchise.


I couldn't make it past the first 3 hours it was unbearable. They took all the fun of the Just Cause franchise and completely stripped it down into a poor mans 3rd person open world shooter.

As a big fan of the "authentic FPS" genre I find myself constantly wanting to come back to this game only to routinely be disappointed in what it has to offer. I think that it is good this game found a community and I am happy for the people who find enjoyment in it but IMO the gunplay, metagame, vehicle mechanics, and community are all pretty sub-par for the genre.

A fun and deep arcade baseball game that stands entirely seperate from similar titles in the sports genre. No microtransactions, no BS, all good sportsball fun. As a big fan of baseball I find myself enjoying the gameplay and ruleset of this game more than any others I have played.

Updating this review for 1.0

Man this game has a lot of problems. But it is also one of the peaks of the tactical shooter genre as it currently stands.

Somebody please remake this game I am begging you

A fun god sandbox that falls short in the interactivity department. I am regularly frustrated by how easy it is to misuse one of your god powers and kill/destroy something you didn't mean to. Needs a tad bit more depth in the colony management aspect to make it a 4* from me

Socialism - Check
Resource Management - Check
Soviet Aesthetic and period accurate vehicles - Check
Banger Soundtrack - Check

This game is the ideal tycoon/city builder/colony management sim.


Albeit clearly an early access title. I have faith this game will become one of Eugens best. Every update makes it just a little bit better.

Warpips doesn't do a lot. But what it does do it does 100% right.

Re-played on PC with a totally legal emulation. Amazing title and one of the best platformers of its era in my opinion. It has a great story and some really good sequences that make it a very strong title.

Thank Pete Gamepass exists. Clunky shooting mechanics, humor that is written for 12 year old boys who watch too much southpark, and unbearable handholding all make this game a chore to play. It is not worth playing and it is for sure not worth $60 for the pleasure.

I put 900 hours into this game while I admined and eventually managed one of the most popular servers for it for years. It is unfortunate to see it fall so far from grace after the 1.5 patch and EGS integration. I would have given it a near perfect score if they never would have come out with that dreadful patch.