Initially tried playing this game years ago and got bored by Chapter 2 because it felt like a watered down TTYD. Decided to give it another chance and I am SO glad I did. It's definitely not as good as the sequel but it was such a good time.

Phenomenal movement, coolest game I've played since Super Mario Odyssey came out. Haven't played a game that felt this satisfying in sooooo long :)

Really good story, dungeons were okay, terrible controls for the most part. Felt like I was fighting Epona 90% of the time and dodging was super jank as well. Still a fun time =)

The frame rate will never be fixed

Went into this with decent expectations while having never played the original and was blown away. Amazing game all the way through

The start of Dimps' reign of terror on handheld Sonic, honestly not that bad but Egg Rocket can fuck off (didn't bother with the emeralds I just beat x-zone)

it's alright but I'm not gonna replay the game 4 times lawl

Very creative game but touch screen was a bit wonky at times with drawing the path and my hands hurt like hell afterward (probably because New 2DS XL stylus is tiny af)

So much charm it's unreal. Best 2D Mario since Super Mario World. Mario renaissance is upon us