Fun fact: when I was a child this game scared me to the point where I asked my stepdad to not keep the cartridge in the house.

As an adult it's a fairly basic beat-em-up with some cool visuals and an absolutely banging soundtrack.

Note: I'm giving a 5/10 for the World Tour mode AKA "the world's longest tutorial" but an 8 overall.

The only times I've played fighting games regularly in my life are the Tekken games as a kid, and Mortal Kombat 9 with friends almost 15 years ago. I'm definitely on the casual end of the spectrum, but I got caught up in the hype and picked this up. Having watched streamers such as WoolieVS and PatStaresAt (as well as their previous incarnations) over the years I wasn't completely clueless going in but I'm not gonna be pulling off combos with Classic controls for a long time.

This is by far the most beginner-friendly fighting game I've ever played, with the Avatar/Battle Hub system being great for people who want to socialize while they play. Modern controls have been a controversial subject but they make the game so accessible to those who may not have ever picked up a fighting game before. The roster are all fun characters with their own distinct styles and the ability to mix and match your special moves with your avatar allows a lot of room for experimentation.

World Tour, the game's story mode, starts off great as you jet off around the world meeting the characters of the game, and the RPG elements mixed in make it feel like Yakuza-lite at times. Unfortunately, the late-game difficulty spike and a pretty lackluster final act make getting to the end a slog.

Highly recommended for FGC veterans and newcomers alike.

PS: I would DIE for Li-Fen.

stole assets from two of my favourite games (oblivion and return to castle wolfenstein) so that must make it twice as good as either of those, right?


the video game equivalent of crack

it's lowest-common-denominator "number go up" nonsense but man, does it feel good unlocking the right upgrades and mowing down everything your path

Something about the mechanics of this one just really puts me off... I prefer a more straightforward horror game but all the "keep generator going" and "memorise these codes" bits and pieces means I have no desire to go back to it any time soon.

Maybe one to pick up again around Halloween?

On the scale of Video Game Shephards, Adrian Shephard is pretty alright.
Better than General Shepard of Modern Warfare 2, but not as good as Commander Shephard of Mass Effect.

The worst thing about this was seeing Randy Pitchford's name in the credits.


For those looking for a HD Half Life experience but don't want it as modern as Black Mesa or as shiny as the RTX mod. It's fine!

Has it aged poorly? Sure has.
Is it objectively a 6/10? Of course.
Does it still hold enough nostalgic power over me to be my favourite game of all time? Absolutely!

Wow, can't believe I just spent 12 hours playing a game that doesn't exist...

God, what a fucking slog this was. Edgy 2013 writing, a dull and unoriginal story and Vergil wears a fucking fedora. At least the gameplay is decent.

Anyway, isn't DMC5 fantastic?

The only game to ever make me properly cry, and I tell you I sobbed. Then I got really angry because I knew I was being so obviously manipulated, but the themes really hit home and I couldn't help but be emotionally destroyed by them.

Nearly 8 years later, I'm still not sure how I feel about this game. Might be time for a replay.


Between wonky audio, long load times and grammatical errors in loading screens, this is far below the standard a remake of the beloved classic deserves.

Nero is fun as hell to play, and I really enjoyed the story. Could have possibly been a 9 if the Cutlasses weren't a thing.