It's okay. The devs clearly think this is cleverer than it actually is. But hey, it's shorter than The Stanley Parable and didn't make me sob like The Beginner's Guide.

This is the series finally coming into it's own. Great feeling combat, cool bosses, fiendish difficulty. Dante finally finds his "wacky woohoo pizza man" vibe we all know and love...

... and Vergil. Vergil, man. He's the coolest.

Not a complete disaster, it's just boring and way too easy. Some neat enemy designs are dragged down by some absolutely terrible bosses (looking at you, infested tanks/chopper)

It's okay, definitely lays the groundwork for it's much better sequels


A cute, short comedy adventure that's worth a couple of hours of your time

The most underrated Resident Evil game, Barry is the GOAT

The new gold standard for remakes

I want to be Darth Vader when I grow up.

This is what VR was made for.

PS: screw you, Jeff

Schizo hobo adventures. Was worried about this since I don't like turn based games but this absolutely rules.

Farewell, Kiryu (but not really lmao)

An astounding achievement in gaming, and in media as a whole.

Sci-fi Silent Hill with space lesbians. It rocks.