Another nostalgic game for me, I was a very nervous child so I appreciated Luigi's perspective.

This game absolutely rules. It's beautiful and scary, the music is excellent, and the story is compelling, though I wish there was a bit more to it. By the end of the game boating around had kind of lost its novelty and I probably wouldn't replay it which is something that I look for in a game.

This is the perfect game to me. The art is gorgeous, the card game is so satisfying and fun to play, which is good because you do a lot of it throughout multiple playthroughs. I will be replaying this game for forever, the characters are so nuanced and well written, the themes of isolation, colonisation, empire, and conservation are explored so thoroughly and with so much intelligence and care I almost couldn't believe it. I can't recommend this game enough if you enjoy time loop games.

One of my favourite games of all time. It's an exploration of so many difficult to name and describe emotions and I found Mae a really compelling protagonist. All of the characters are so well written and the game doesn't shy away from the difficulties of disappointing your parents and your friends, and it does a good job of portraying how isolating some experiences can be. For a relatively concise game the lore is so well fleshed out, I could replay this game forever and find new things to love every time.

The first Fallout game I ever played. I loved it as a teen but in retrospect the game could allow the player more agency, and I prefer the newer vats system personally. I still have a soft spot for this game and enjoy playing it, but it's my least favourite of the fps fallout games.

Very fun game! It has such a cute art style, and fun mechanics. I've played through it once and when the update is released I plan to go back and play it again. I absolutely love when a game has mini games. The dice game is really fun and I definitely spent a lot of time playing it, and the fishing mini game is fun too!

This is a good game and a really nice story. I think about the fishery segment all the time. That being said, walking simulators and games where you don't have a lot of agency aren't my preferred method. It didn't quite but as hard for me as I think it did for others, I enjoyed it but it isn't one of my favourite games ever.

Very fun! A little hard to get the hang of, but I still enjoy it regardless

Got me through many boring lectures

This game is bad. David Cage is a sloppy writer and the metaphor of this whole game is lazily done and honestly kind of insulting at a few points.

On top of that there's this elaborate world that makes no sense. Why would you have a separate iPad for each bill as if they were paper. W h y.

You gotta love Conner, the android sent by cyberlife, but the two other playable characters aren't that compelling. The parts of the game that parallel real world events aren't in the best taste and using a real Spiritual in a game about robots is just... In poor taste

My favourite 3D Mario game. It's got a good balance of difficult gameplay and rewarding challenges, I love the little island characters, they're so cute!

This is a fine game, I recognize that it's a queer game from when there weren't many widely known queer games and that's awesome. The dialogue writing tries so hard to sound like teenagers it's distracting and borderline embarassing to listen to.

I personally loved this game for the characters alone. The storywriting isn't the best and it's not my favourite fallout game. The end results of each path you can choose tend to feel samey and the game loses a lot in not daring to pose moral dilemmas and difficult questions to the player. With that being said, I've played it 4 times.

This game was fun for 3 months during lockdown but I haven't touched it since 2020.

This is silly but I wish there was more unlocking in this game. It was one of my Covid games when we were locked down and I love the feel of it, just wish there was a little more unlocking dopamine.