1 and 2 were very fun but dude the third...

Goths check
Vampires check
Role Playing check
Almost dude, almost...

Learned one thing and realized another;
I love Star Wars Rpgs and need Star Wars Rpgs.

Swinging... of the swinging.

Learned that i can't handle horror games the hard way with this.

As a space adventure/tps reaaaally good game but as a rpg, meh.

Telltale series is better than the HBO one.

Very interesting story and mechanics, lots of shenanigans and pretty fun.

This game and it's mods pretty much destroyed my whole academic carrier, worth it tho.

It was something. Gym song still in my playlists.

Each Valve game does something to the pool.

Some games are here because of this.

Was hyped because of Crash Bandicoot, there wasn't any silly animals but worth it.

Maybe one of the best DLC ever released.