91 Reviews liked by OneBadMouse

An amazing experience, story and game. It's a bit simple but it's short and enjoyable for an afternoon. I loved the characters !

SE5 is a bit of a victim of its developer's past success. 5 is by no means a bad game, but it feels very mediocre when compared to the incredible SE4 and releasing nearby the equally mediocre SEVR. SE5 is a good game that is a sequel to a crowning achievement of the stealth game genre and it suffers because of that.

This game is very simple, fun and light-hearted, I had a lot of fun playing through it and might come back to it eventually

A real-time tactics game set in World War 2.

Commandos 3 is a game from 2003, it’s a different type of game where you move multiple characters around and take out enemies. Gameplay has you choosing a character, setting up actions, and usually hoping the enemy doesn’t see you as your characters are squishy. There are a lot of different missions, such as a sniping mission or stealth, but ultimately the goal is to kill nazis.

This is a remaster, but the gameplay here just doesn’t feel that exciting, and most of the game seems to be focused on saving, trying something, and then loading when it fails. There’s good interesting combat, but even in the Real Time Tactics genre, there are better games like Desperados 3, which is better constructed and paced.

Pick this up if you are a fan of the original Commandos 3, and want a better-looking version, however not all fans of this game are happy. There are noticeable changes to the formula, and this has a lot of stuff that can be nitpicked. If you’re a fan of real-time tactic games, there are better choices.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this last month of Game Pass games: https://youtu.be/5_7MTcN1-Ac

I don't think it's fair to rate this, as I haven't played nearly enough to rank it amongst my completed list of games, but man... Nothing short of disappointed with Ghost of Tsushima. While I can lay the blame on the game itself for being so vapid to play and Sucker Punch for developing something so milquetoast after the InFamous titles, it's honestly all on me for fooling myself into thinking I'd enjoy an open world game for once. It can be nice to play a game like this every now and then to experience what's in vogue, but it's probably for the best that I dip out now and find something that I like playing wholeheartedly, rather than slog through a 30 hour epic solely because the same development house made games I liked 10+ years ago.

It's not fair to rate a game I haven't even come close to finishing, so I won't. But man... did I bounce off this quickly.

This is just a prettier and slightly more exciting Assassin's Creed. I got bored of the gameplay so quickly that I had to practically force myself to even turn on my PS5 for a second session before giving up entirely.

To the people who enjoy this type of Ubisoft-monogame... am I missing something? When does this get exciting? How is this different from any other open world side quest-a-thon?

Maybe I'm gonna give this game another shot some day, but for now it'll collect dust in my backlogs. So glad I didn't actually spend any money on this.

I'd congratulate Housemarque for making the second ever roguelike I actually reached the credits of, but this is barely even a roguelike. It's barely even a roguelite honestly, the frequent checkpointing and overall lack of build variety means that this is really just a bullet hell shooter that forces you to replay its levels a bunch. And I'm fine with that. I don't enjoy the roguelike formula that much anyway, so it's cool to walk into this expecting to hate it and come out the other side resoundingly not miserable.

It helps that the combat loop is as fun as it is, especially once you get towards the end and everything is moving at a million miles an hour. It's so satisfying to walk into a room, filled with enemies, absolutely demolish the place, and walk out with barely a scratch. I wish the game shook up the formula more though, there's loads of weapons and items to play with, but most of them are dreadful, or situational to a fault. Hades is brilliant because it's so varied AND all of the content is top notch. Returnal has about two guns that are good, a ton of items that I got about one use out of, and a gambling system that more often than not can be ignored entirely.

The story is easily the worst part though. I think the ideas it plays with are really cool, but the direction it goes with them is so underwhelming. The house sequences are unapologetically shit; slow, clunky, uninteresting PT knockoffs that feel so out of place and barely develop anything. Every part of the storytelling is so drenched in metaphor and symbolism you can barely even work out what the writers were even trying to say, when really the story they were telling is laughably simple. Actually cackled when the credits rolled, could not believe it ended as abruptly as it did.

Is fun though. I'll give em that.

Beautifully bizarre. Fairly unsurprising that a story climaxing in a surreal stream of consciousness wouldn't be beloved by all, but I found it transfixing. Incredible soundtrack.

Always amazes me to see games that push the medium (in this case, in storytelling) even after 20 years of gaming

The management aspect is very monotonous and all the developments that occur are cheap and don't improve the loop, some events or game rules are just silly and arbitrary.
Payoff is very weak and i'm not even critiquing the narrative here, in fact the narrative is the only thing that I might praise.
Recap and get into the sequel if you're intrigued, because you won't find value for time sunk here.

I've always been torn on how actually good this game is because its story is incredibly interesting while at the same time being extremely stupid soemtimes. Its gameplay is fun but at the same time gets incredibly boring very fast.

In This is the Police you play as Jack Boyd, a police chief in a city called "Freeburg" and if that doesn't tell you what kind of message the game is trying to get across then the first few events in the story certainly will, with your first choice basically being how hard you want to sell out to the Mafia, which is inevitable either way.

Even though I kinda made fun of it there it's actually a really interesting story. It's essentially about how the institution of the police turns even the most well-intentioned cops into horrible people some way or another. How the position of Police Chief is always going to ripe with corruption in one way or another. And how Jack's ambitions of power and bitterness turn him into an increasingly horrible person, as well as showing that he may never have been as a good of a person as he thought he was.

I think compared to its sequel it definitely has a huge leg-up narrative and storywise. The second game is almost completely character focused, set in a smaller town in Minnesota. This is fine, the story is good enough in that game, but it just doesn't manage to match this games experience imo.

The main reason I feel this way is because the city is really well made, it feels like through the calls and investigations you can feel the issues the city is facing without it actually being explained to you. It paints a picture of the city without you ever having to actually see it for the most part. It's an experience which you realy don't get in the second game.

That being said, the dialogue doesn't always land too well, it obviously takes influence from a lot of movies and such, but every once in a while it feels like Jack Boyd is a bit too much like a movie character. Also cutscenes feel a bit slow sometimes, either the amount of dialogue or simply the pacing of the cutscene.

The main problem with this game is that its gameplay is kinda boring, especially for how long it is, something the second game definitely improved on dramatically. In this game you send cops out on calls, sometimes you need to help them, sometimes they'll need to call in the SWAT team, but every time it's pretty much the same. It's fun for a while, definitely not for the many hours long this game is.

tbh I only wrote a review on this game at all because it's a game I think about a lot for some reason, it's definitely worht checking out if it sounds interesting to you

the mandatory phone app is kind of buggy and annoying and the whole optional multiplayer "hidden agenda" subterfuge gimmick feels confusing and totally unrelated to the story being presented (there's no real incentive to "sabotage" other players into making different choices when you're all experiencing the same story from the same character perspective) but this was a fun little direct to video movie style game and is underplayed!! Much better than the first Dark Pictures game and has a hammy late-season Law and Order SVU vibe that I love. always happy to get more charming unpretentious termite art from this studio

Cute and very well made. It's very nice on the Switch.
While polished and well made, for me personally, it doesn't entertain me for long.

Bad north takes the concept of strategy games and only takes the core parts of it to make a minimal game with beautiful graphics, great sound, excellent design, excellent gameplay and some difficulty.
Bad north is an excellent strategy game that will give you hours of gameplay and fun, highly recommended.