Reviewing this game without the DLC included. Cuphead has an incredible design and unique style that definitely makes it stand out. Really enjoyable and crisp movement, fun music which fits the hand-drawn animation style. I can only imagine how much work and love went into this game. However, I have some problems that will not allow me to rate this game 5/5 stars. First of all, I believe this game is not as hard as it could be. Don't get me wrong, it is not an easy game, but I don't think my skills are much above average, and I beat the whole game in 8 hours. I think more drawn out battles with more complex bosses would do the trick for me, but I accept the fact that maybe I am asking for too much content. My second problem with the game is the foreground, which on multiple occasions blocked my view and forced me to take damage, which I think is inexcusable. This problem also happened in the DLC, but only on one occasion. Still, I am a little disappointed that Studio MDHR didn't address this problem in the DLC, almost 5 years later.

Last played this game on 2016 so my review is probably outdated and irrelevant. I remember learning about this game's premise and being super into it. Played for about 10 hours but still didn't manage to have any fun, mostly frustration. Also, I played with friends, so I can only assume this game is worse alone.

Probably the best competitive FPS game out there. Still isn't worth your time in my opinion.

Fun little platforming game, satisfying controls and somewhat difficult stages.

Satisfyingly difficult Classic Sudoku puzzles. Moreover you are supporting great content creators (Cracking the Cryptic). Worth a buy if you are into Sudoku puzzles.

I have only played this game to the top of Celeste Mountain and not Heart or the DLC. It is still one of the most fascinating gaming experiences I can recall having, and is definitely worth a buy if you are into hard platforming games.

Extremely fun game to play with friends online. I have really fond memories of my friends and I playing this game back in the day. Holds up well after almost 15 years and is definitely worth a buy if you are looking for something to play with friends.

Played for a VERY short period of time, in which the game failed to engage me. Probably worth a replay at some point, since it looks like an interesting setting.

It has been a while since I beat this game, but I have really fond memories of it. It is a shooter game that doesn't take itself too seriously (which is something not very common, in my opinion). The mechanics in this game are really fun and satisfying and the game is totally worth a play if you enjoy FPS games.

Played previously on PS4, but also on PC. Fun game to play with friends but couldn't keep me engaged for long.

Played for a little while and felt lost and bored. Probably will pick this game up in the future, but for now it simply didn't grasp my attention.

Played for a really short period of time so I cannot actually judge the game. For me it was a fun, free alternative to SSB, since I do not own a Nintendo console anymore.

Haven't played a lot, but it seems like "more Borderlands", which is always great. Planning to pick this up again in the future, when I am in the mood to return to the series.

Just an all around great game with interesting worldbuilding. The story wasn't as engaging as the sequels, but still tons of fun.

One of the all time classics, since this is now a decade old game. Played this singleplayer and only through to the first ending of the campaign, but I can still appreciate this game's charm. It could possibly be more fun with friends, but the fact that it was so enjoyable while playing solo means that this game is a hit.