This game's impact on the gaming scene is undeniable and the series is rightfully an all-times classic. Portal and Portal 2 are a must-have in every game enthusiast's collection.

This is a storytelling game which uses a basic gameplay loop to tell you said story. The game has a unique artstyle which compliments the gameplay and an interesting setting. However the gameplay loop didn't keep me engaged enough to finish the game, but I definitely recommend it because I respect the sole developer of this project.

I am not really big on Rogue-like games, but this one grabbed my attention. It sometimes feels more like a puzzle game, when you are trying to solve the puzzle of how to use the dice more efficiently, or which cards to use. Really enjoyable experience, I would recommend this game.

My favourite game of all time is Hollow Knight so this review is going to be very subjective. If you played both games you probably understand why. If you have only played Haiku, the Robot (although highly unlikely) and enjoyed it, then play Hollow Knight. Haiku "borrows" so much from Hollow Knight that I couldn't help myself from being disappointed every time I noticed a similarity between these games. I'm sure that Hollow Knight also borrows ideas from other games, but the amount of content in Haiku that I could trace back to Hollow Knight is insane. The enemy design is extremely similar, the powerups are, with few exceptions, the same and the story just feels too similar. I know I am biased but it was really sad to notice all these similarities, especially since I enjoyed playing Haiku for the few hours of playtime it provides. I could go on and on, but I think it is not worth your time or mine. If you enjoyed Hollow Knight then play this game too, but don't expect to be bombarded with anything brand new.

This game is just a fun Third Person Shooter in an open world that pretty much plays out like the GTA series. I haven't put many hours into the game, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

The Room series is just a series of Escape Room type puzzles that are not very challenging, but a fun and enjoyable experience nonetheless. There is a narrative hidden behind the gameplay but I never really got to caring about it, and is not a crucial part of beating the games. They are probably worth a buy in a bundle/sale.

This game took the successful elements of its predecessor and incorporated them into it while fixing the problems of the prequel. Simply wonderful title which is definitely worth playing if you are a fan of the Metroidvania genre.


I played and 100%'d this game back in 2015. I can't remember why, but I loved this game. The style, the puzzles, something just clicked with me. I haven't come back to the game since, because I am afraid it will ruin my image of it, however I can safely say it is one of my favourite games of all time.

Just a short narrative game that took me about 25 minutes to complete. Nothing crazy.

Charming little game in the Frog Detective series. Really fun games to finish in one sitting, with funny, quirky dialogues and feelgood storytelling.

I got this game on PS4, but bought it again on a Steam Sale since I don't own the PS4 anymore. This is the only game I have done this for, and for a good reason. I really enjoy this game's atmosphere, combat and movement. The worldbuilding isn't really unique but it is executed well in my opinion. The side quests are just as interesting as the main quest line and it really kept me coming back for more. The hour count I log is only from steam, so the true playtime of this game for me was probably double that.

I am not a Dark Souls fan, I believe the games to be too hard to be enjoyable. Still I don't think it needs an "easy mode", I just believe it is a niche series for a particular group of people which I am not a part of.

I really enjoyed the dark setting and the storytelling of this game. It holds up well for a 15 year old game and is worth a buy, especially in a bundle with the other Bioshock games.

Just a simple, fun, fast-paced mobile-type game that was interesting to get into. Didn't play for a long time but it was fun while it lasted.

Had a lot of fun back in the day playing with friends, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be as fun now that I am older or if I wasn't playing with people I know.