One of the best games I've ever played, music , visuals and gameplay are a 10/10

Probably my favourite game ever, beautiful visually incredible music tho its biggest flaw is the combat system which can be a bit slow and uninteresting at times

The perfect sequel for an already incredible game, the only problem I had with the first game (the poor combat system) is fully fixed and feels incredible in this game. The only thing that this game fails to do is a good hardmode because the hardmode is not that hard and basically just an hp buff to enemies

Was the best fps game I've ever played untill they stopped uptdating it for years and forced the whole playerbase to switch to a downgraded version of the game with little to no chances to ever play this game again. Truly a shame that such a great game gameplay wise was shutdown for the failure that is its sequel

This game is what happens when you decide to take a good game and downgrade it all the way. Some good features from ow1 were removed, heroes were locked in battle passes unti s10 (counter picking is important in this game), the doomfist rework is failed on almost every aspects of it. We had to wait years with no updates in ow1 only to not get the pve they were supposed to add and have an overall less fun game. Tho its starting to take steps in the right direction its been 10 seasons of ow2 and my hype and love for this game are slowly fading away

Pre season 9 this game was a battle royale with unique visuals and mechanics. Then chapter two came around and it got worse and worse from there, the colours became less vibrant, the artstyle changed in a weird way that makes the game feel like another game entirely, the insane amount of skin/emotes colabs are slowly making this game feel less and less like Fortnite and more like a game that sold its uniqueness for profit.

Incredibly rewarding and fluid movements, mechanically one of the most interesting fps games I've ever played, sadly the cheaters and abysmally bad ranked system make this game frustrating for all the wrong reasons but if they fix these issues it would be a 10/10 game

One of my favourite pokemon games, good music, postgame is good not much more to say than that. Good game would recommend

Overall good game, story is good and its my favourite by far when it comes to pvp, z-moves, mega evolving and the new pokemons are on point especially the regional forms

Overall good game, story is good and its my favourite by far when it comes to pvp, z-moves, mega evolving and the new pokemons are on point especially the regional forms. If I were to recommend their first Pokémon game to someone it would probably be this one.

I have a hard time getting into this game, its not nessessarily bad just a bit lacking compared to the previous ones, the new mons are mid for the most part (there are still incredible new mons but on average its one of my least favourite gen when it comes to the visuals). I'll probably finish it later when I feel like it.

By far the best community project around competitive Pokémon, its easy to use, listens to the community when it comes to balancing the meta (most of the time at least). I also would like to add that having access to old gens pvp emulator and a huge variety of metagames ranging from for fun to competitive is incredible!

An incredible game with a cool story, fluid and interesting gameplay, incredible musics and a beautiful aesthetic. Highly recommend playing it

Funny crab game with fluid movement makes me happy

Very good fps game to play with friends