I got it for Wii. What did you expect?

Namco changed the game with this one.

Shuhei Yoshida Twitter Extravaganza.

I just kept jumping into the Sarlaac Pit.


One of the characters said "fuck" while I was playing in my living room, and Dad got PISSED.

Spore Zero.

But seriously, I hate you.

I didn't have a memory card growing up, so this game became Groundhogs Day for children who hate themselves.

My disk was scratcher and I couldn't finish Episode 2. Life went downhill after that.

If you swim up to a boat and slaughter everyone on board, if you give their ship a love-tap it'll instantly collapse.

I spent an entire week grinding money to unlock Sasuke. He had a sword and it was worth it.

I spent an entire week in 2023 creating a massive prison before adding any prisoners. The moment we opened the doors, the prison broke.