62 Reviews liked by PELIPOIKA

Stop posting about ace combat

a matchmaking patch [with no real technical issues addressed] excused as standalone with 3do port art assets, disruptive kinesthetic changes and the sum total of two ror2 early access content updates [roguelite progression reaching its apex as solo call of duty multiplayer] for gearbox to siphon further sales of ror'1' with a substantial mark up [the tyranny of drm-free gaming deserves opposition as strong as randy pitchford!]

Some games can aspire to artistic importance not just visual exprience, but as a touchstone of the humanities. I learned this after playing Homer the Flanders Killer 6.

marxist-gnosticist simulator made by a coper

poe players be like "it gets good after you buy tabs and have path of building on the background so you can copy the pro chinese player's "optimal" build instead of getting creative please play it its better than diablo 2 please play it please pleaseeeeee"

think about it this way: some of bioware has been ex-black isle, so if bgs makes f3 a carbon copy of the licensed bioware game sw:kotor [including the absolute minutia like manchild dialogue options], then it very plausibly passes as what black isle would have done for f3

straferunning is too great of a sacrifice for... what tangible benefit, exactly?

you live in the worst possible timeline where, instead of deus ex insurrection, you got old ubisoft montreal staff degenerating themselves into building a late ubisoft montreal game off the shitstained blueprints of invisible war, mass effect and UI accessibility trends – written by a community college sophomore

jbmod cured my self-destructive heroin addiction

Yep, this is a classic awful Bethesda game. Janky, poor performance, terrible gameplay, nonstop garbage collecting. Stupid story. Ugly, horrible graphics. Music is nondescript. One of the worst intros I've ever seen in a game, wow I'm shooting rocks and jumping around pointlessly while NPCs talk! Every character is horrible and lifeless. If you like eating garbage like a sewer ape that doesn't deserve to live, you'll love this. If you are a human being with a divine soul, you will hate this game. I only played it because it came with my GPU.

play as a 'very special person' in search of the prothean artifacts as you go to the cowboy planet, miner planet, blade runner planet while being asked to bootlick cops all the time.

Play this game if you like Big MONEY! or Big PRIZES!

Hell yes to this game. I would inject it into my veins if I could. If there's another 3D platformer that completely capitalises on its movement and pushes it to its absolute limit as hard as Super Cloudbuilt does, I haven't played it. No potential is wasted; both players who like to carefully go at their own pace and those who like to absolutely blitz through levels like a playable Judas Priest song are rewarded here. And I don't just mean through actual in-game rewards, like its dozens of unlockable outfits and power-ups or its creative extra modes - feeling yourself get better at this game the more you play it is easily one of the most instrinsically satisfying gaming experiences out there, in part thanks to how it feels like the devs made it their mission to make the simple act of moving around fun.

The absolutely delicious schmovement of Super Cloudbuilt complements the expertly crafted levels so well. No matter which level you're in, you're always coming across alternate paths and nooks & crannies with collectibles or easter eggs that constantly had me thinking "these guys thought of everything." On the rare occasion that there seems to only be one way through a given obstacle or challenge, you have such a flexible array of movement options at your disposal that you can almost always make your own way through it with a bit of clever thinking (hint: jump on your bombs).

Outside of all that, the art direction is really pretty & atmospheric and the soundtrack is stunning from start to finish. The story that's there isn't Legacy of Kain or anything, but it's endearing for what it is and its core theme of pushing yourself to overcome your struggles is both appropriate for the game's difficulty (dare I say, ludo-fudo-wudonarratively harmonious) and helps make Demi a decently charming/relatable protagonist.

Incredible game overall. The team behind it deserve every success for the passion they poured into it.

Still one of the best RPGs ever made, go play it if you haven't, no excuses.