It's okay when Valve does it. They are so lucky they've got Olympic dickriders in every sector.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023


9 months ago

I'm really surprised more people aren't baffled by this. Like, I'm neither an OW or a CSGO fan, hell, I've barely even played the two, but the fact two games have been completely erased, one being the 2016 GOTY and the other a really influential competitive shooter, feels so surreal to me in the worst way.

9 months ago

@DeemonAndGames I don't see how this is any different than any other patch, albeit a sizable one, for a live service game; marketing just said to put a "2" on it. I'd also like to say I'm not one of the "olympic dickriders", I think it's a real shame that we can't play the previous versions of this. Live service games get erased all the time when they receive an update, I see it as a sort of Ship of Theseus situation. If only more games took Minecraft's approach of letting you play almost all of it's previous versions. But there isn't much incentive for profit, so that'll probably never happen and these old versions will likely forever remain as lost media. I think I just don't get as outraged over this stuff as others because I've reached acceptance that this is unfortunately the way things are. Business as usual in the live service world...

9 months ago

@Marki Honestly I agree with everything you've said and I wished they did the making older versions available thing; I don't want to get too much into it since this is not the time nor the place to, but yeah, my problem comes from a purely preservation concern, and even if the 2 is probably for marketing as you said, it seems that it does change up some things gameplay wise, so the fact the previous game is completely gone is... yeah, not good.

9 months ago

didn't they jump to Source 2 with this too? I feel like that qualifies a good reason to make is seperate. But idk if they somehow got CSGO to source 2 with updates or something


8 months ago


8 months ago



8 months ago


6 months ago

If valve released a game that was a blank screen and was called Half Life 3. About a million people would buy it etc