Another great installment in the greatest video game franchise! Fun gameplay, fun story and good soundtrack.

Grinding for take the cannoli was baaad tho. With the right setup using the sparrow and a taped DS4 controller it took 4 hours to get. Stupid achievement honestly. Still a fun game :D

It's hard to even describe how great this game is. A hugee open world that is fun to explore still today! Missions are very fun with good variety, and with the added minigames and side activities it does really make for a great experience overall. Glad i platinumed this :D

Game didn't really live up to the first one in my honest humble opinion. I guess the story didn't quite catch me as much as the previous one did. And the mission design felt different, hard to explain but i didn't really get the same level of enjoyment.

As it's the first game in the franchise, and it's really old i'll give it some slack.

Game was very fun, but alot of the missions were confusing to say the least. I often had to look up playthroughs as i often got stuck. But hey, that might just be a skill issue :P

I really enjoyed the freedom the game gave you tho. You could kind of complete the missions in different ways. Overall i had a good time, although the game was confusing and hard at times.

It's just a small mission essentially. Quick fun little sneak peak of what's to come.

Hehe, fun game. Creative kills and frankly that's all i cared about. Couldn't be bothered with fully completing it though, finishing the story was enough.

One of my favorite games of all time.

The grim, gloomy nature of the game got me hooked the second i booted the game. With it's iconic melancholy piano theme it really sets the mood. I got chills playing the prologue and kept me hooked from start to finish.

I will someday fully finish the game on every difficulty. But frankly i have not found the time yet. Regardless a fantastic game and i can't wait for the remaster!

A banger of a sequel.

The game still retains it's gloomy nature although toned down a bit. Gameplay is a bit more polished and the story is phenomenal with fun and engaging missions.

I still enjoy the first one more, but damn is it good regardless!

Again I'm hoping to come back someday and finishing the game on it's hardest difficulty!

First game i bough DLC's for back in the ps3 days. I may or may not have used my moms credit card for that xDDD

Will replay it on pc soon and see if it holds up :D

Best game in the franchise.

Playing as both rivals and cops is really fun with unique and interesting mechanics!

Not much else to say, great game i'll continue to play here and there :D

Game get's repetetive real quick. But i finished nonetheless.
I enjoy the more comedic nature of the second game.

Don't think i'll replay it though.

I played this first on my wii. And glad i did cause i actually enjoyed it more here than the pc version. Controls felt more natural.

Controls aside it's a fantastic game, i've completed it multiple times and stands as my favorite survival horror. And maybe even one of my favorite wii games of all time :D

A fantastic game with excellent story, ambience and gameplay. Managing the inventory and being resourceful was different but fun.

I did prefer the wii version as the controls felt more natural, and i did my first playthough on there. But this is still a good port nonetheless :D

Wish i could give it a higher rating as it's so well made. But the grind is unreal. And frankly you kinda need the wiki for the game. As there's way too much stuff to take into account when playing through. I much prefer the more simplistic minecraft.

It suffers from too much content, who would've thought :P

A close tie if not just as fun as my favorite NFS game (NFS HP 2010).

The world feels amazing to drive in and the game offers a good variety of cars as to never make the experience stale.
Races feel rewarding although the rubberbanding can be a bit crazy at times (I'm looking at you Earl, with your stupif Evo).

The blacklists cars are iconic and having the ability to win their car is just amazing. (My favorite is Sonny's GTI) Also the customization is fantastic!!

I'm just rambling at this point, but i just really enjoy the game. And i'll probably replay it soon :D