One of the most underrated and overhated Sonic games. The story was pretty good, characters were fun, the only thing holding this game back was the motion controls. (P.S. Sonic with a sword is a great concept.)

Been addicted to the battle royale mode ever since the games release in 2017. the game has had its fair share of bad seasons, but there’s also been phenomenal seasons. overall fun game.

also, save the world is soooo fun, its super sad to see how little epic cares about it.

Now THIS is how you make a Mario game.

Not as good as Mario 2, but still very fun.

(i'm joking this is my favorite 2D Mario game)

Some fighters were a really big pain to unlock, (such as Mr. Game & Watch) but overall a really fun game, one of the best Smash games.

Great multiplayer and zombies, campaign was ok.

The story wasn’t the best, but it also wasn’t horrible. character selection is fantastic, and gameplay is even better.

Story is locked behind a lame social link-like system, which is my only complaint. Great music and provides a fun experience.

Also the remix of Time is the best song.

i actually really liked the campaign in this one. multiplayer was fun but MW2019’s was so much better. i don’t even wanna talk about the zombies

Super Mario 3D All-Stars is obviously a flawed game collection, but that doesn't take away from how good each game in this collection is. Super Mario 64 is a classic, Super Mario Sunshine is great, and Super Mario Galaxy is what i consider to not only be one of the best Mario games, but also one of the best 3D platformers of all time.

I love this collection way too much.

friday night funkin has a great ost and fun gameplay but it’s just meh overall

I had so much fun playing this game for the first time. The 2nd and 3rd levels are easily the best in the game.

The 4th level is terrible though, it’s the entire reason this game only gets a 4 star from me.

Edit: the game also has horrible optimization on some levels, so i have changed my rating to a 3.5.

It's pretty good, not the best game in the series, but its fun.