finally went back and cleaned up the main trophy set for this game so i could get the platinum trophy, definitely a fun one to get. don’t know how but somehow the last trophy i ended up needing was the one for playing a match with a party member.

officially my 7th platinum trophy 🫡

decent season, too bad epic games removed everything fun about it for like half the season. bad battle pass if you exclude doom guy, geralt, and the tier 100 guy

I’m absolutely amazed. Ghost of Tsushima was an incredible experience, the praises i could sing for this game are seemingly endless, but i wish to keep this review on the shorter side so i’ll summarize my thoughts. I’ve heard many people call this game “Assassin’s Creed but with a well written plot and excellent gameplay.” Which is mostly true. The combat/core gameplay is excellent, i think Ghost of Tsushima genuinely gave me some of the most fun i’ve had with a core gameplay loop in a while. The plot is absolutely phenomenal, the ending i loved especially (i am so depressed now). the music is phenomenal too, it fits the vibe and time period of the game perfectly. there’s just so much i loved about Ghost of Tsushima, i always doubted it when people said this game deserved game of the year over the last of us part 2, but now i genuinely see it as an even contender (i cannot choose between them, i love them too much.) the performance Daisuke Tsuji gives as Jin Sakai was absolutely amazing, the emotions i formed as i heard his screams during the ending gave me chills.

In short, you can call me a sony dickeater all you want (because i am one), but ghost of tsushima is such a phenomenal game and is easily one of the best games i’ve ever played for a multitude of reasons. i’ll absolutely be going for the platinum trophy on this one as well as playing the dlc.

Review for campaign only, i could care less about the multiplayer/co-op

Infinity Ward continues to be the biggest reason why i still buy Call of Duty games, every campaign of theirs i’ve played has always been great from start to finish. While MWII is definitely weaker compared to MW2019, the campaign is still wonderful. Seeing Ghost and Soap back did my heart well, their little banter between each other never failed to make me laugh. Alejandro was a wonderful new character too. It’s not often that i actually care about characters in a first person shooter game, but Task Force 141 will always be the best team in FPS history. My only complaint about the campaign is that i wish there were more missions strictly with Gaz and Price, their missions are what made me enjoy MW2019 so much, I of course loved what i got, just wish there was more, same goes for Ghost, despite the fact that he’s the character on the cover of the game, you really only get to play as him for one full mission and multiple small segments in other missions, a little disappointing imo.

First game completed in 2023, what a way to start the year. High On Life is painfully just ok. When this game was announced a few years back i was beyond excited, “a fps made by the rick and morty creator? sign me up!” I said, unknowing that this would be one of the games that i’d have the hardest time finishing just due to the horrible writing. As an honest fan of the earlier seasons of Rick and Morty, i was expecting the humor to be right up my alley, but instead the jokes were just painful, similar to the most recent seasons of Rick and Morty, which i haven’t liked nearly as much. My favorite thing about High On Life however has got to be the gameplay. The gunplay is extremely fun and each gun (or gatlian, as they’re called in this game.) has its own special type of fire rate and special abilities which adds a lot of fun to the game. As mentioned before though, the writing is absolutely dreadful, even though i thought it got better toward the end of the game, the first half of the game was genuinely one of the most painful experiences i’ve ever had, with the jokes just being “haha poop” and a shit ton of stuttering (Will someone please tell Justin Roiland that stuttering 50 times in one sentence and making references all the time isn’t nearly as funny as he thinks it is?). The story was pretty alright, i wasn’t too invested in it but it was pretty interesting. I also thought the boss battles were pretty neat, i always love seeing boss battles in fps, i think it’s something more fps devs should try doing in their campaigns.

In short, My anticipation for High On Life may not have paid off, but i did find some enjoyment in the game due to its gameplay and some of its voice cast. Maybe if the humor is more up your alley than it is mine then this game is worth playing, especially if you have Xbox Game Pass like me. (Extra points for having Zach Hadel just about everywhere in this game, the Jack Black cameo, and LEZDUIT)

legit one of the most boring video game experiences i’ve ever had, maybe that’s because i only played it for like 20 minutes but this just wasn’t fun. pretty landscapes though

played it for like half an hour with two of my friends and i just don’t think it’s my type of game. i respect it for its unique concept though, just not a fan of the combat/crafting. might come back to play it again and maybe finish it eventually since i feel like i haven’t played it nearly enough to actually have an opinion on it.

also i hate spiders

Sonic Frontiers was easily one of my most anticipated games of the year, and i can definitely say my anticipation payed off. This game is a weird case for me though because realistically speaking this game isn’t perfect (especially for reasons like the pop-in issues), but i can’t help but view it as perfect due to being a long-time sonic fan and also just overall being really glad we finally got a sonic game other than mania that’s better than just being average or mediocre after so many years. The story, music, gameplay, and many more of the new additions to the series all made me enjoy this game so much. One of the reasons why I loved Frontiers so much is because of how it really focused on the characters. Amy, Knuckles, and Tails all got so much character development and they became way more fleshed out as characters due to sonic team actually putting the focus of the story on the characters. My one complaint about the game however is i didn’t find much enjoyment in the cyberspace levels, but i literally just skipped almost all of them and got the chaos emerald keys from the fishing minigame, so it’s not gonna make my score any lower. Frontiers is absolutely 20 steps in the right direction for the series, and i’m very excited to see what sonic team decides to do next for the franchise.

metal: hellsinger ended up being one of my favorite games to release in 2022, perhaps it’s just because of my love for heavy metal music, but overall i just really enjoyed the game for reasons like the gameplay, story, and gimmicks. the best way to describe metal: hellsinger in my opinion is a mix of doom and crypt of the necrodancer, it’s a mix that shouldn’t work good but it works EXTREMELY well. having to take out large groups of enemies to the beat of the heavy metal music is probably one of my favorite video game gimmicks to date. with a good story and a talented voice cast of troy baker and jennifer hale, metal: hellsinger is easily a wonderful gaming experience that i definitely recommend to everyone, ESPECIALLY if you have xbox game pass like me. the ending of the story seems to hint at a potential sequel, so i’m very excited for that already.

bonus points for having serj tankian (goat) on the final boss theme.

Second best season of Chapter 3. The chrome ability as well as the chrome guns were both super cool additions to the game that made it so much more enjoyable. The battle pass sucked balls but Spider-Gwen made it so much more worth it. The ending event was ok, I liked the actual storyline stuff a lot but the 40 minute scavenger hunt was so boring and i really think we could’ve gone without it. It's not a main part of the season so it's not gonna affect my rating, but this year's Fortnitemares was the worst one yet, the new skins for the seasonal event all sucked except for the goat Ash Williams. Anyways, Doom Slayer is gonna be in Chapter 4 so that’s an instant 5 stars from me for that season. Here’s to hoping that Chapter 4 ends up being the best chapter yet.

i’ve only played one round of this so far, but let me tell you all a story about how it all went.

before i got into the lobby, me and my friend spent about 6 minutes just trying to find a lobby that we could both get into (the queuing system isn’t very good) and once we found a lobby with enough space for both of us, i was bombarded by the screams of a 6 year old child, the entire pre-game lobby consisted of one player bullying said child into leaving and refused to start the game until he left. once the child finally left, (somehow i actually felt bad for the poor child.) the game finally started, and everything went fairly normal until the first emergency meeting. once we got to the meeting the player who i believe was the host was screaming the n-word over and over again and telling the person he found suspicious (haha funny among us word) to say the n-word and he won’t be voted out. we all called said player a loser by the way. unrelated, but i spent like 5 minutes of the game trying to do one single task in electrical, i couldn’t get that shit to work.

anyways fun game! among us as a concept works better as a vr game than it does as the original game imo.

11/27/22 update: new story, played this for about an hour straight with the same friend, this time we ran into a player who we started joking around with and quickly made an alliance with, at one point me and the guy we met both got imposter so we protected my friend and got rid of everyone else, we won that game and laughed way too hard. before we left the server we made sure to add him so we’d be able to talk again sometime.

What an absolutely phenomenal game. Santa Monica Studios have outdone themselves once again. God of War Ragnarök is easily one of the best games i’ve ever played. From the very moment this game was announced i was hyped, it quickly became one of my most anticipated games. Once the first trailer released last year, i became so interested in the story, and this was at a time where i hadn’t even finished God of War 2018, so i quickly picked that game back up and finished it right away. Once Ragnarök finally released, i couldn’t contain my excitement from the very first second of the game i was hooked, i didn’t want to put the game down, i played for hours and hours on end until i finally had to stop to do other things. The story was absolutely incredible, the character writing was top notch, characters like Kratos, Thor, Freya, and Odin all quickly became my favorites due to just how good their writing and actor’s performances were. So many of the boss battles in this game like both of the Thor fights, the Heimdall fight, and the Odin fight, are easily some of the best boss fights i’ve ever played. And where do i even begin with the visuals, this is without a doubt one of the best looking games i’ve ever played, same could be said about the combat and the music, i was blown away by just how good they both were, even if they were both very similar to the 2018 game. To put it short, Ragnarök is absolutely incredible, it was well worth the 4 year wait, and it may possibly be my most favorite PlayStation exclusive game of all time and easily my game of the year.

pretty alright game. really fun with friends but i genuinely can’t play this game by myself for more than 4 minutes without getting bored.