fun with friends and/or mods otherwise boring

toward the beginning of this season i was pretty much more than ready to call this one of my least favorite fortnite seasons but as it progressed it got better, but that’s purely because of the collabs like the attack on titan odm gear, the star wars event, and the spider-verse web-slingers

in short this season was just
thing 😐
thing, japan 😲

havent played it i just know its bad (hoyoverse game)

haven’t played much of it but it’s fun

good game. campaign was short and sweet, told a good story too, probably one of my favorite fighting game stories. overall just another good netherrealm studios fighting game. if netherrealm doesn’t bring back kenshi and kung jin for mortal kombat 1 i’ll probably cry.

there is not a single good thing about this game so realistically i should be giving this a 0.5/5 rating but seeing the words “Sharing is caring! Your pancreas is mine!” on the walls made me laugh so hard i started crying so sympathy 1/5 for that

extremely fun however i am horrible at this game and despite all my efforts i have never won even though i’ve gotten REALLY close

i don’t think i ever finished this one but i remember this being like my favorite game ever as a kid so idrc

honestly one of the best sports games to date. i would say nintendo desperately needs to make a new one of these but considering the quality of the recent mario sports games i don’t really wanna see sluggers get ruined like that tbh

400th logged game, woo!

For the longest time, I’ve always criticized Bethesda for a lack of variety of types of games in their catalog, as it mostly comprises of dark first person shooters, fantasy rpgs, and the occasional horror (which of course i do enjoy), with the release of Hi-Fi Rush, I can consider my issues with Bethesda resolved. Let me tell you, believe the hype. Hi-Fi Rush is incredible, easily one of the best games of 2023 thus far. This game is oozing with charm, between the comic book inspired art style, the unique rhythm based combat, and the amazing plot, it’s easy to see just how much dedication and passion went into creating this game. Throughout the story i found myself constantly having fun and never getting bored. The humor always landed for me, it reminded me of Saturday Morning cartoons you’d watch as a kid, which gives off the perfect feeling. The thing that disappoints me the most about Hi-Fi Rush is Microsoft’s marketing decisions. Shadow-dropping the game and putting it on game pass immediately, whilst making it exclusive to Xbox Series X|S and PC and not even having a physical release is almost like a wish for failure, and Microsoft wonders why the game underperformed (i’ll admit to my hypocrisy as i played this game using my game pass subscription). This game deserves so much better, as it’s truly one of a kind and amazingly fun. Easily one of my all-time favorites.

echo vr has always been one of my favorite multiplayer vr games by far, i’ve made many memories playing this game and it’s a damn shame to see that meta is shutting it down. so long old friend o7

i will never forgive myself for spending $100 on this shit.