Some fighters were a really big pain to unlock, (such as Mr. Game & Watch) but overall a really fun game, one of the best Smash games.

Enjoyed this game a lot, story was nice, and combat was fun.

This game really isn’t anything special, character creation is pretty much one of the only good things of this game. story feels kinda bland, and level design just could’ve been better.

The actual combat itself is fun, and there’s a decent selection of anime characters that are playable, but the main issue is the story. Character animations are just really odd looking, and some characters in the story just show up for no reason once and then are never seen again (such as Dio for example.). If you’re looking for a fun arena fighter game, maybe this’ll be fun for you, but if you want a phenomenal story that shows all of your favorite anime characters fighting bad guys together, stay away from this game.

It’s Lego Star Wars, so that automatically makes it a 4 1/2 star. Would be a 5 star if the game didn’t feel somewhat slow at times. Overall great game though.

One of if not THE BEST 3DS game. Story is fantastic, characters are very lovable, selection of weapons is huge, and overall this is just a great game. Without a doubt a must play.

it really makes you feel like spider-man but this time you also have the exaggerated swagger of a black teen

When i say this game is a masterpiece, i really mean it. Throughout the story, you really get to know the characters and love them more. This is truly one of Naughty Dog’s best games.

One of the most underrated and overhated Sonic games. The story was pretty good, characters were fun, the only thing holding this game back was the motion controls. (P.S. Sonic with a sword is a great concept.)

Even as a major fan of both Square Enix and Marvel, this game is a huge disappointment. The story was extremely boring, combat becomes uninteresting after a few hours of playtime. Overall either wait for this game to go on sale for a low price or just watch a playthrough on YouTube.

This game and Final Fantasy VII Remake are the exact definition of what a remake should be. Similar to the original with a few extra changes. Lovable characters, challenging environment, fantastic story.

playing this game is like watching paint dry, it’s fun for the first 5 minutes but gets boring after that.

it really makes you feel like spider-man