Great spin of a tower defense game while also becoming the best boulder rolling simulator on the market. Multiplayer obstacle course is a blast and the variety in boulders makes for endless hours of hilarity.

Tools are there for some of the best and caring workshop entries I've seen. Absolute saviour of 2020.


Mechanically great and gameplay is super fun, but many bugs and classic Ubisoft tropes we hate.

Best arcadic sports game I've played and the best baseball experience (including irl, got benched all the time)

Didn't evolve or improve upon previous titles enough to warrant re-ranking in an already frustrating local progression system. While shooting feels just as good, the new maps are not as interesting as the old omitted ones.

Great variety of levels/play styles with a robust multiplayer that stands taller than others in Star Fox history. Story mode is far too short.

The fascinating gameplay of Majora's Mask with ultimately improved mechanics. There are still some transitions that seem off but the addition of more hotbar slots, a better schedule, and quality of life improvements make this game great.

Not a huge fan of most the games included but TKO and Quiplash 2 carry everything else.

Great gameplay that's gravely impacted by lack of couch play accessibility. However, smash run is a super fun mode that is worthy of revisiting at least occasionally.

Great for the time of release but even then lacked a level of competitive values that other fighting games mastered. But the amount of good times had with this game can't be overshadowed by the much more improved titles that have come out since. I love the theme it took with a bit of 90s wrestling feel to it. Music is Bossa Nova.

The games are all very fun and rank 4-5 stars for myself, but the collection lacked many neat features that other collections have done.

A fantastic platformer that starts intimidating, but trains you to be an "epic hardcore gamer." Has very engaging storyline that speaks on mental health, albeit a little too much on the nose. A more subtle approach may have been more enticing as well as more characters. Ultimately this a great utilization of simple mechanics to make in depth levels, one step at a time.

Probably the best Lego game that'll ever be made if not in part of the time at which it was released. The cutscenes were well made enough to tell a narrative without any dialogue and somehow feels more connected than the actual Star Wars franchise.

Certainly one of those concept games that rely entirely on an idea as opposed to robust gameplay. However, the concept is more than enough to keep players engaged for several hours (perhaps too short).

A less than perfect Fire Emblem game that is more accessible to JRPG virgins. It also has a reclassing feature that's underrated and the visuals are appealing.