Relatively repetitive gameplay but is fun to hgearear up in with friends. Visuals and sound design are satisfying. Not the most robust dragon crawler but an accessible one. DLC approach is frustrating.

Was starved for an fps growing up which lead to so many hours on this game's multiplayer. However, it is a buggy mess for both campaign and PvP. Crashes are frequent, mechanics are unintuitive, and randomly my controller switched to inverted controls mismatch for no reason.


Not fully aware of the reception this game brings but I remember enjoying the base of it a decent amount. I liked the dungeon exploration and the destruct/construct functionality is a nice touch to an mmo. Building doesn't feel great and gameplay gets repetitive soon, but a fine game.

Great mix of Star Fox gameplay with real tkme strategy. Many different pilots that have their own strengths and personalities. The lack of on rail fighting is disappointing as the free range gets repetitive. While the endings aren't great, picking your narrative works well with the picking Star Fox 64 style of level routes. Multiplayer is simple but fun.

Fun fast pace shooting that blends prehistoric weaponry with modern. Lots of variety in weapons and enemies, but stages have bazaar objectives. This leads to levels frequently outstaying their welcome.

Pointing controls worked well when it worked well, but that was 75% of the time. Shakey hands leads to infuriating losses. Co-op is great and intense.

On so many systems that each port feels like a different game. Horrible controls on the Wii and Gamecube but good on the DS with decent multiplayer.

Great intense team building game that is desperately in need of file saving.

Great art style with lots of charm in how characters interact with each other. Possible cutscenes combinations raises replayability but ultimately lacks content for a simplistic-gameplay oriented game. The choices you make to progress can seem arbitrary making it easy to get stuck in. Still worthy of at least one fun playthrough.

Takes the fluid controls and pretty art style of Fusion but cuts out the pace-breaking dialogue. However, it also loses a well crafted narrative and becomes a shorter game. Other than that, everything we love about Metroid is in this great re-imagining.

A shamefully overlooked remake that introduces new characters and stars to an already solid game. Only aspect holding it back is the DS controls that make falling off platforms much easier.

A great and competitive mayhem ball bouncing game that is unlike any other. Could benefit from more characters/stages. Music. Is. Bumping.

Super fun base gameplay that's --currently-- impacted by many bugs.

A game that I'm almost always down to play if asked. I've not found another game that scratches the same massive battle itch. The large selection in maps, vehicles, troops, and even strategies has kept me invested for several years now. Also, galactic conquest has no competitor and even with it's full potential not yet reached, it's a game mode that adds a whole new satisfaction for battling in the worlds of Star Wars.

Despite being broken in so many areas making it tough to play over modern entries, this game provided many great moments upon release and its battle mode is one of the most remembered.